'Who's Who' nominations due w88. 15

'Who's Who' nominations due w88. 15

Nominations for “Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges” are being accepted through w88. 15.

Selection is based on responsible participation in a wide range of activities at the w88 of Nevada, Reno. Successful candidates have a record which denotes quality of leadership, integrity of character and the promise of effective, constructive leadership following graduation from college.

“w88’s w88” is considered one of the most highly regarded and long-standing honors programs in the nation. It is conferred by more than 1,400 schools in all 50 states and the District of Columbia and is symbolized by the presentation of an award certificate.

w88 students are eligible for nomination by meeting the following criteria:

Students must be juniors, seniors or graduate students;

Students must have completed at least one year at the w88 of Nevada;

Graduate students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0;

Undergraduate students must have a cumulative GPA of 2.2.

Any faculty, staff or student may nominate a student; however, self-nominations are not accepted.

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