w88 slot online MESA, the College of Engineering and the University of Nevada, Reno are playing host to a regional Science Olympiad for middle and high school students on Saturday, Feb. 13 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the William Raggio Building.
About a dozen schools from northern Nevada will compete. Teams will be comprised of 15 students each. Twenty-two of 40 events will be judged by w88 slot online of Nevada, Reno graduate students and faculty.
w88 slot online MESA (Nevada Mathematics, Engineering, Science, Achievement) is part of a national effort to increase the number of underrepresented students graduating from high school, and works to ensure that these students take all of the necessary advanced coursework needed to be fully qualified for mathematics and science coursework at the college level.
Event organizers say that the regional competition will allow w88 slot online students and other students from northern Nevada practice for science-, engineering-, and mathematics-based events, which will help the students to become better prepared for state and national w88 slot online Olympiad competitions.