Emm, w88 online live casino accept national award

Emm, w88 online live casino accept national award

University of Nevada Cooperative Extension educators Staci Emm of Mineral County and Loretta w88 online live casino of Lyon County were in Fairbanks, Alaska recently to accept a prestigious award for their "People of the Land" curriculum.

The eight-chapter publication received a gold medal from The Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals, which held its annual meeting this year at the w88 online live casino of Alaska. The curriculum also was previously named a top winner in the National Association of County Agricultural Agents' Communications Awards Program.

People of the Land examines the historical, social and economic attributes of Indian reservations within a four-state region of the West. It is designed to help agricultural and natural resource professionals work more effectively with American Indian farmers and ranchers in Idaho, w88 online live casino, Oregon and Washington.

The researchers' curriculum is the result of a three-year, quality-of-life assessment of American Indians and the U. S. Department of Agriculture professionals who work with them. Government officials said they have trouble helping Indian farmers and ranchers develop sustainable agriculture and natural resource management skills on reservation land. Meanwhile, tribal leaders expressed their desire to strengthen agriculture on Indian lands.

The Cooperative Extension study by Emm and w88 online live casino identified a "knowledge gap" that indicated the need to improve understanding and appreciation of individual tribal histories and cultures in order to work more effectively with tribes. "People of the Land" provides the training to close that gap.

Cooperative Extension Dean and Director Karen Hinton praised Emm and w88 online live casino for taking on a difficult job.

"This is an example of how our faculty use science-based research to help people," she said. "People of the Land shows how we try to bring real solutions to real people to improve the economy and people's lives."

w88 online live casino and Emm have already taught the curriculum, published last year, to hundreds of tribal agriculture producers and land managers within the four-state region. Program impact measures showed that agency professionals working on Indian reservations came away with increased knowledge of key issues, including: American Indian culture; federal Indian policy; issues surrounding Indian land tenure, including checkerboard and fractionated lands on American Indian reservations; Indian agriculture irrigation projects; and Indian governance.

The 166-page textbook is already in its second printing, and Emm and w88 online live casino — at the request of county officials and state educators — are working on two separate publications — one focused specifically on Nevada tribes and another written for Nevada students.

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