Campus w88 slot to discuss health insurance changes

Campus w88 slot to discuss health insurance changes

Public Employees Benefits Program will be holding a w88 slot at the University of Nevada, Reno campus on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 from 1:00pm to 3:00pm to discuss the planned changes to our health insurance benefits effective July 1, 2011. The w88 slot will be held in the Davidson Math and Science building, room DMS 110 and will also be available through WIMBA.

The Benefits Office highly recommends that employees participate in this w88 slot in order to better understand the upcoming changes and so you may participate in the questions and answer period at the conclusion of the w88 slot.

Departments are encouraged to allow for “RELEASE TIME” so that employees can participate in this important informational session. If you have questions concerning this email, or need more information regarding your benefits, or please call the Benefit Office at (775) 784-6844 or email

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