Nevada w88 online game' Award Nominations Sought

Nevada w88 online game' Award Nominations Sought

NEVADA w88 online game’ TEACHING AWARD

Nominations are due September 18, 2009, for the Nevada w88 online game' Teaching Award, an annual recognition of outstanding faculty in the NSHE. This is a prestigious award granted to one full-time faculty member who provides instruction as their primary assignment at UNLV, UNR, or NSC, or to a DRI faculty member who provides instruction as part of their regular assignment. The winner receives a special medal and a check for ,000. We have been fortunate to have had several of our faculty selected for this award in recent years—Gene LeMay, Chemistry; Meggin McIntosh, Excellence in Teaching Program; Phil Boardman, English; Gary Hausladen, Geography; Cheryll Glotfelty, English; Paul Starrs, Geography; Scott Casper, History; Tom Nickles, Philosophy; Scott Mensing, Geography; Eric Wang, Mechanical Engineering.

To nominate a faculty member, send a formal letter of nomination through the candidate’s dean addressing how the candidate has accomplished a significant record of excellence in teaching that has brought recognition to the university. More information regarding this w88 online game can be found at on the Provost's Awards and Grants page. Nominations are due to the deans’ offices by September 18, 2009 at 5:00 p.m. After obtaining supplementary materials from the candidates, a campus-wide committee will select one of the nominations to send forward to the Chancellor's Office in November. A system-wide committee will consider the candidates submitted by UNR, UNLV, NSC, and DRI and make a selection for approval by the Board of w88 online game.


Nominations are being accepted through September 18, 2009, for the UNR Academic Advisor Awards and the Nevada Board of w88 online game’ Academic Advisor Awards. The university award is given annually to faculty or professional staff members who have a distinguished record of student advisement. One ,000 award for undergraduate advisement and one ,000 award for graduate advisement are granted. In addition, the names of the recipients of the University Undergraduate and Graduate Advising Awards will be forwarded to the Chancellor’s Office for consideration for the Nevada w88 online game’ Academic Advisor Awards. The system-wide award will be ,000 each for the Undergraduate and Graduate Academic Advisors.

Full-time faculty and professional staff who have at least five years of cumulative service in the Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) and who provide academic advising as part of their regular assignment or who provide academic advisement as their primary assignment are eligible for the w88 online game. DRI full-time faculty or professional staff who have at least five years of cumulative service in NSHE and who provide academic advisement to graduate students at the university as part of their primary assignment are also eligible for the graduate w88 online game. Although these awards are intended for individuals, groups who have made outstanding contributions in academic advising may be recognized as well.

Any employee or student of the university may submit one name in nomination for this award. To nominate, send a letter of nomination to the nominee’s dean. Since the nomination letter becomes part of the nomination materials submitted to the UNR selection committee and the Board of w88 online game, it should describe in as much detail as possible why the candidate is deserving of this recognition. Also, please specify if you are nominating your candidate for the Undergraduate or Graduate Advising Award. The nominees will then be contacted and asked to submit additional materials in support of their nomination. Nominations must be received by the deans’ offices by September 18, 2009, at 5 p.m.

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