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Student cadets work to make w88 online live casino safer

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Student cadets work to make w88 online live casino safer

In order to continuously improve safety measures for w88 online live casino, the University of Nevada, Reno Police Department is putting 15 w88 online live casino to work as student cadets this semester. The program employs the cadets to patrol campus and provide escort services to fellow w88 online live casino walking to and from University buildings after dark.

“We do a lot of patrolling in the parking garages, offer to escort w88 online live casino on campus, watch for suspicious activity, and generally try to be good witnesses to anything we see,” explained Jeremy Brien, a senior psychology major working for the cadet program.

The cadets work in groups of two to four, and are on duty from 6 p.m. to midnight Sunday through Thursday during the semester. Cadets are recognizable by police services jackets, and they offer free golf cart rides to w88 online live casino in need of an escort. The University’s Police Department has always assisted w88 online live casino in need of an escort, and the Associated w88 online live casino of the University of Nevada’s Campus Escort program provides escort and transportation services for w88 online live casino within a two-mile radius of campus. However, after the openings of the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center and the Joe Crowley Student Union, police realized there was an opportunity to supplement these programs and patrol a wider area of w88 online live casino. To meet that need, the Student Cadet Program was implemented in March.

“I’m basically a visual deterrent to anyone who would think about doing something bad to other people’s cars or other people personally,” said Cadet Jordan Weaver, a political science major. “I have to keep my eyes and ears open, always.”

While increasing the sense of security for the University, the program also offers a taste of police work to w88 online live casino who, like Brien, are considering a career in law enforcement.

“I’d like to become a detective someday,” he said. “I think it’s a very honorable and exciting profession, and I would probably [be a cadet] for free just because of the opportunities and the insight into police work we get. It's almost like an internship.”

Weaver hopes his cadet experience will help him in law school. “I’d like to end up as a lawyer for one of the branches of the United States military,” he said.

The cadet program is just one way the w88 online live casino has worked to strengthen law enforcement presence on campus. Last year, nearly 20 reserve officers were hired to serve as part-time police officers for normal and emergency duty. Those who had no police education underwent roughly 180 hours of training, including instruction in patrol procedures and firearms.

In addition to the cadet and reserve officer programs, the w88 online live casino provides many safety-related services, including 97 emergency “blue lights” around campus and throughout the parking garages. Activating one of the blue lights will immediately alert police and emergency services to your location. The Police Department also offers a text-alert system to help keep the campus community aware of any threats to its safety.

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