A Rising tide w88 online game

w88 online game brings in record number of high-achieving students

A Rising Tide

w88 online game brings in record number of high-achieving students

For Muir Morrison, an invitation into one of the College of Science&w88 online game;s research labs has made all of the difference in his college experience.

During the second semester of his freshman year, Morrison had a conversation with College of Science Dean Jeff Thompson.

Thompson, a longtime member of the University&w88 online game;s Physics faculty, suggested that Morrison, a Physics major, might benefit from working in a lab.

Within a few days, arrangements were made for Morrison to work in the lab of Physics professor Jonathan Weinstein.

“I could not have imagined at the time how wonderful an opportunity that was,” says Morrison, now a 20-year-old junior. “I realize now how grateful I am to Dr. Thompson for that. I&w88 online game;ve been working in Dr. Weinstein&w88 online game;s lab for about a year and a half now, and it&w88 online game;s been fantastic. I&w88 online game;ve learned so much. Working with atomic physics in Dr. Weinstein&w88 online game;s lab, playing with lasers, cooling atoms and discovering new things, it&w88 online game;s been great.”

Then Morrison pauses and smiles. For a young man who grew up about an hour and a half from Reno in the small town of Quincy, Calif., the journey thus far has been far beyond what he could have thought.

&w88 online game;They see something in me, I guess,” he says of his professors, &w88 online game;and sometimes I wonder what it is they see.”

Of course, what they see is a bright, talented and inquisitive student, the type of student that the University of Nevada has worked hard in recruiting to campus over the past few years. It shouldn&w88 online game;t be surprising to note that last week the University announced that this year&w88 online game;s freshman class was its highest academically performing first-year class ever. Their number includes nine National Merit Scholars, bringing the University&w88 online game;s total to 25.

Morrison, in many ways, is a renaissance type of student, and clearly embodies the University&w88 online game;s academic resurgence. He is gifted both in the classroom (he&w88 online game;s a National Merit Scholar) and out of the classroom (before choosing Physics, he gave serious thought to becoming a professional musician. Morrison is a talented and creative saxophonist).

“I think it&w88 online game;s good to know to know a little bit about everything,” Morrison says, “simply for the reason that it makes you a better person.”

It&w88 online game;s a sentiment that two other accomplished College of Science students, Rachel Wearne and Matt Klippenstein, can also relate to.

Wearne, at 23, is by her own reckoning, a &w88 online game;super-super” senior. With a little more than a semester left in her University career, the Geology major has excelled in the classroom while following an unlikely path to Nevada.

Wearne, following graduation from Nevada Union High School in Grass Valley, Calif., attended junior college for three years before, &w88 online game;I exhausted all the credits I could take.” She was originally looking for schools that offered a degree in atmospheric sciences.

&w88 online game;When I saw that UNR offered it, I jumped on it and put in my application,” she said. Once at Nevada, she changed her major to Geology, hoping one day to become a researcher and a professor.

“It&w88 online game;s been great,” she says. “I didn&w88 online game;t expect to end up as a Geology major, but it&w88 online game;s been a really great experience. The professors have been great and all of the Geology courses I&w88 online game;ve taken have been just right. The little things, like being able to talk to your professors right after class, and not having to wait for office hours, have been really great.”

Wearne smiles broadly when asked about the “dual” nature of the College of Science and the Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering , which provides students the rare opportunity to be part of a decades-respected and known “school” within one of the University&w88 online game;s newest and rising academic units.

Of the Mackay School, she says, with obvious pride, “Mackay is a well-known name, especially in Nevada. It provides a lot of opportunities, too; it&w88 online game;s where a lot of the scholarships have come from, and I know for students like me (Wearne works two jobs, including one in the Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology), it really makes a huge difference.”

Wearne has shown her true Mackay colors with her participation on the school&w88 online game;s renowned collegiate mining team – the Mackay Muckers – which nearly won a world championship last spring.

“I&w88 online game;ve met a lot of great people through the mining team,” Wearne says. “It&w88 online game;s international, it&w88 online game;s huge, and I&w88 online game;ve been able to meet people from schools all over the country.”

Klippenstein, 20, a sophomore from Reno who graduated from Bishop Manogue High School, admits that his National Merit Scholarship was a &w88 online game;big part of coming to Nevada.”

“Being paid to be able to go to school has been huge,” he says. “It&w88 online game;s enabled me to concentrate more fully on my academics, and to also have some free time to enjoy what the campus has to offer.”

Klippenstein is a Biology major who hopes one day to become a physician, perhaps an orthopedic surgeon.

“Already, I&w88 online game;m finding that a lot of the Biology professors relate the things that they are teaching to medical things, which is great for those of us who are looking at medical careers,” he says. “When we&w88 online game;re studying animal physiology, they always point out that this is similar to humans in this way … so it helps you out for the future.

“I feel I&w88 online game;m right on track.”

Although he had grown up in a family with many graduates of the University, Klippenstein was still surprised by the beauty of Nevada&w88 online game;s campus, and the many new facilities the campus offers.

“I knew a little bit about the campus, but during the recruitment, I was on a tour of the Knowledge Center, of the Joe (Crowley Student Union), and I found about the new science building (the Davidson Mathematics and Science Center) that that they were building,” he says. “The library is just awesome, and that&w88 online game;s such a huge part of the campus now. It really seems like they&w88 online game;re wanting to make the campus nice, and they&w88 online game;re expanding it with a lot of new buildings.”

All in all, the experience has been one that Morrison, Wearne and Klippenstein won&w88 online game;t soon forget.

“I haven&w88 online game;t had a class yet that wasn&w88 online game;t taught by a Ph.D. professor,” Morrison says. “The professors at UNR, they enjoy the research, certainly, but they&w88 online game;re also here because they love to teach. They enjoy sharing their knowledge with their students.

“That&w88 online game;s a huge perk when you come to UNR.”