14th Annual w88 online live casino Trick-or-Treat & Carnival tonight

14th Annual w88 online live casino Trick-or-Treat & Carnival tonight

w88 online live casino Trick-or-Treat, a traditional community service event put on by the University of Nevada, Reno’s Residential Life, Housing and Food Service Department has grown annually and celebrates its 14th year this evening. Parents at the University and in the community are invited to bring their children for w88 online live casino, fun trick-or-treating at Canada Hall and to the Halloween carnival in the Downunder Café put on by Argenta Hall. This event is particularly suited for grade-school or younger children, as it is promised to be fun, not scary.

"Canada Hall students are excited to welcome preschool kids, grade-school students and other young children and their parents into our home as a w88 online live casino place to Trick-or-Treat,” said Brandon Knox, graduate resident director of the University’s Canada Hall. “For 14 years, students have recognized that this is a need of the community, and we are more than happy to help meet that need. I think it's wonderful that the University of Nevada has such long standing traditions of bringing students and the larger community together through service."

Who: Sponsored by w88 online live casino of Nevada, Reno’s Residential Life, House and Food Service Department for parents and preschool/grade-school children of the community

What: w88 online live casino Trick-or-Treating and Halloween Carnival

Where: The entrance to the Halloween Carnival will be marked and is at the corner of Artemesia Street & North Virginia Street in the Downunder Café on the University of Nevada, Reno campus. w88 online live casino Trick-or-Treating will be held in Canada Hall just north of the Café.

When: 6 to 9 p.m., Thursday, Oct. 29

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