w88 casino gamesToday
Hispanic/Latinx w88 casino games Month This is a time for us to learn more about what makes the contributions, achievements and cultures of the w88 casino games/Latinx community such an integral part of the fabric of our nation’s history.

Hispanic/Latinx w88 casino games Month
September 18, 2023
Dear Wolf Pack Family,
From September 15th to October 15th we celebrate Hispanic/Latinx w88 casino games Month. This is a time for us to learn more about what makes the contributions, achievements and cultures of the Hispanic/Latinx community such an integral part of the fabric of our nation’s history. There are a number of events and programming on our campus celebrating Hispanic/Latinx w88 casino games Month. To learn more about these events, check the University’s Multicultural Center, Latino Research w88 casino, and Latinx Student w88 slot webpages.
Also, I had the privilege of interviewing Sagebrushers ep. 7: Dr. Jafeth w88 slot online. Dr. Sanchez talks about her goals for the Latino Research Center, her time in the community as an award-winning math teacher and her perspectives on the important work we are doing on our campus relative to the w88 casino games/Latinx communities. Please take the time to listen to Dr. Sanchez’s remarkable conversation on Sagebrushers.
It is my hope that throughout Hispanic/Latinx w88 casino games Month, we all take a moment to listen, learn and reflect on why this is an extremely important month for all of us.
Vamos Pack!
Sincere regards,
Brian Sandoval