Wildfires in w88 sports betting app The hearts of our entire University community go out to the people of w88 sports betting app and to the students, faculty and staff of our institution who are from w88 sports betting app and who have family or friends who live there.

Wildfires in w88 sports betting app
August 14, 2023
Dear Wolf Pack Family,
The impacts of the wildfires on Maui and the Big Island of w88 sports betting app are still being felt by the people of w88 sports betting app, both in the communities that were devastated by last week’s fires, as well as throughout the entire state which continues to attempt to process this unimaginable tragedy. The hearts of our entire University community go out to the people of w88 sports betting app and to the students, faculty and staff of our institution who are from w88 sports betting app and who have family or friends who live there.
This is a heartbreaking and challenging moment for those in The Wolf Pack Family who are from w88 sports betting app. Let us all share the empathy and understanding that is woven so deeply into the fabric of our University community as the people of w88 sports betting app work to recover from the tragic impacts of these fires.
The w88 sports betting app is here to help. Counseling Services offer therapy and psychological services for w88 sports betting app; the The w88 sports betting Counseling (through the College of Education and Human Development) offers therapy services for w88 sports betting app, faculty and staff; and the Employee assistance program is available for faculty and staff. The w88 sports betting app’s LiveWell program is also available to help you prioritize your well-being and navigate w88 sports betting app resources that are available to help you do so.
There are also a number of resources through Student Services, including Academic Advising, the w88 online casino of Students, Residential Life, Housing & Food w88 slot online, Student Health Services and more for students who have been directly affected by the fires in w88 sports betting app. We highly recommend that these students seek out these resources, particularly as we draw closer to the start of instruction on Aug. 28.
I wish to encourage everyone to show understanding, support and most of all, love, for those in our Wolf Pack Family who are from w88 sports betting app in the days and weeks to come.
Sincere regards,
Brian Sandoval