w88 online sports bettingToday
82nd w88 online sports betting of the Nevada State Legislature Gov. Joe Lombardo’s proposed w88 online sports betting budget contains a number of key investments in higher education that speak to a commitment to the instrumental role we play in Nevada’s future.

82nd w88 online sports betting of the Nevada State Legislature
February 6, 2023
Dear Wolf Pack Family,
We are now starting our third week of the spring semester. I hope you are all doing well in establishing new routines in reaching the important goals you’ve set for yourselves and for those around you this semester.
Today the 82nd w88 online sports betting of the Nevada State Legislature in Carson City begins. Over the next 120 days, our elected representatives in the Nevada State Senate and the Nevada State Assembly will do the people’s work with the passage of important legislation that will provide our state guidance not only for the coming biennium, but well into the future.
The Nevada System of Higher Education and its institutions including the University of Nevada, Reno, have an ambitious legislative agenda for the 82nd w88 online sports betting. Gov. Joe Lombardo’s proposed state budget contains a number of key investments in higher education that speak to a commitment to the instrumental role we play in Nevada’s future. In addition, the leadership in the Nevada State Senate and Nevada State Assembly have all been extremely receptive in understanding the needs of higher education as we do our part in producing thousands of globally competitive graduates and transformative research and innovation that will position Nevada as a 21st century economic leader. I wish to thank Gov. Lombardo and our legislative leaders in Carson City for their willingness to support higher education.
Our priorities include:
- Cost of Living Adjustments for our faculty and staff;
- Budget restoration to pre-pandemic levels;
- Funding for increases in graduate student stipends;
- Funding for a new Life Sciences Building, featuring 18 research labs, 18 faculty and post-doctoral offices, four teaching labs and a 300-seat classroom;
- Funding for Millennium Scholarships;
- Funding for Graduate Medical w88 online sports betting (GME);
- Student funding for the University of w88 online sports betting, Reno at Lake Tahoe campus;
- Funding for building maintenance.
Last week we had the honor of hosting Gov. Lombardo for a w88 online sports betting-wide visit. The fact that Gov. Lombardo visited our campus and spent several hours with the students, faculty and staff of our w88 online sports betting so early in his tenure as governor speaks volumes about his willingness to learn more as he supports the work of our w88 online sports betting.
As we head into w88 online sports betting, please refer to the updated 4,550: Policy Regarding w88 online casino betting regarding contact with governmental officials and visits by governmental agencies, as well as the Government and Community w88 online web page and their monthly newsletter. Stay engaged throughout the w88 online sports betting and please reach out for help or for any legislative information you might need by emailing Government and Community Engagement at government@unr.edu.
Go Pack!
Sincere regards,
Brian Sandoval