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Update regarding "premium holiday" for w88 casino members At the June 11, 2021 w88 casino Board meeting, the Board voted that participants would receive the premium holiday in October 2021 and October 2022.

Update regarding "premium holiday" for w88 casino members
w88 casino 14, 2022
Dear Wolf Pack Family,
I hope this email finds you well during this very busy time on our campus. I wish to thank you for the contributions that you have made on behalf of our University. We are fortunate to have such a caring group of people who are furthering our institutional mission each day. I am very pleased to share some good news with you today regarding an upcoming “premium holiday” for Public Employees Benefits Program (w88 casino) members.
During the 81st Session of the Nevada State Legislature, AB 494 was passed, giving active and retired state employees enrolled in a Public Employees Benefits Program (w88 casino) plan a one-month health insurance premium holiday in plan years 2021 and 2022. At the June 11, 2021 w88 casino Board meeting, the Board voted that participants would receive the premium holiday in October 2021 and October 2022.
There is no action required on your end.
If you are enrolled in the Consumer Driven Health Plan (CDHP-PPO), Low Deductible Plan (LD-PPO) or Premier Plan (EPO) in the month of October 2022, you will not have a monthly w88 casino deducted from your paycheck(s).
Active employees:
- If w88 casino on a semi-monthly basis, there will be no deductions taken on the 10/10/2022 or 10/25/2022 payroll.
- If w88 casino on a monthly basis there will be no deduction taken on the October payroll issued on 11/1/2022.
- If you are a new hire enrolling for benefits that will be effective on October 1, 2022, you will also receive the premium w88 casino once your coverage is processed.
- If you are in the process of completing an enrollment due to a qualifying life event that will be effective on October 1, 2022, you will also receive the premium w88 casino once your coverage is processed.
Active employees exclusions:
- If w88 casino are catching up on medical premiums for past months, those amounts will continue to be deducted from the October payroll.
- If you are enrolled in a Medicare supplement plan through the Medicare Exchange with VIA Benefits and elected w88 casino dental, the holiday premium will count toward your w88 casino dental premium.
Retiree exclusions:
- The premium w88 casino excludes premiums for Medicare supplement plans offered through the Medicare Exchange with VIA Benefits.
Additional exclusions:
- The premium w88 casino does not apply to COBRA participants, unsubsidized spouses, survivors, non-state actives, or non-state retirees.
For additional questions, please contact w88 casino member services at (775) 684-7000 or (702) 486-3100. You may also contact your campus benefits department or BCN Benefits at BCNBenefits@unr.edu.
Thank w88 casino again for all that w88 casino are doing for our University.
Go Pack!
Sincere regards,
Brian Sandoval