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President Sandoval tests w88 online casino for COVID-19 The w88 online casino test result I received this morning and the mild symptoms I’ve experienced thus far also point to the fact that the COVID-19 vaccines are indeed doing their job.

President Sandoval tests w88 online casino for COVID-19
September 15, 2021
Dear Wolf Pack Family,
A special thanks needs to be given to all of you for the work that has been done so far this semester in ensuring the health and well-being of our campus community. The steps that all of you are taking this semester speak to the concern and care that the Wolf Pack Family continues to demonstrate for one another during what has been an achievement-filled and busy fall semester.
With that said, I wish to inform you earlier today I learned that I have tested w88 online casino for COVID-19. My symptoms have been very mild and I am confident I will make a quick recovery. For the next 10 days, I will be isolating and working from home. It is important to note that I tested negative for the virus on Thursday, so the onset of COVID-19 can happen fast when you least expect it.
The w88 online casino test result I received this morning and the mild symptoms I’ve experienced thus far also point to the fact that the COVID-19 vaccines are indeed doing their job. I received my COVID-19 vaccinations earlier this spring and I am so grateful I did. Breakthrough infections tend to be mild when one is vaccinated and this is exactly what I am experiencing right now. I want to use this moment to encourage all of our students, faculty and staff to get vaccinated if you have not done so already.
I wish to thank the health care professionals who have been of great assistance. In particular, our chief medical officer, Dr. Cheryl Hug-English, has provided me with her usual brand of empathy, care and guidance on what steps I need to follow. We should all be very proud of the public health workers throughout our state who, on a daily basis, are tending to the health and well-being of all Nevadans.
I wish to encourage our campus community to continue to wear masks in indoor settings, practice social distancing whenever possible, wash your hands frequently and if you are not vaccinated, to do so as soon as you can. Please remember, information regarding all COVID-19 related policies and procedures are available on the University’s coronavirus web page. Included on these pages are face covering guidelines, information on how an individual can get a vaccination, as well as general student, employee and department guidance.
I look forward to returning to my office in Clark Administration once my 10-day isolation period has ended and I am medically cleared to do so.
Go Pack!
Sincere regards,
Brian w88 online casino
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