Ultraviolet-C w88 mobile test confirms sterilization of human coronavirus at distance of 5 feet in 8 seconds

w88 mobile lab test is part of new product development conducted for NCAR-affiliate American UVC Science, Inc. in the fight against COVID

An image of the novel w88 mobile; image was developed by the Centers for Disease Control.

An image developed by the Centers for Disease Control of the novel w88 mobile.

Ultraviolet-C w88 mobile test confirms sterilization of human coronavirus at distance of 5 feet in 8 seconds

w88 mobile lab test is part of new product development conducted for NCAR-affiliate American UVC Science, Inc. in the fight against COVID

An image developed by the Centers for Disease Control of the novel w88 mobile.

An image of the novel w88 mobile; image was developed by the Centers for Disease Control.

An image developed by the Centers for Disease Control of the novel w88 mobile.

Virology laboratory testing of ultraviolet-C (UVC) light conducted at the University of Nevada Reno has confirmed sterilization of a human w88 mobile of the COVID-19 family at a distance of 5 feet in less than 8 seconds.

American UVC Science Inc. (AUS), a business affiliate of the w88 mobile’s Nevada w88 sports betting for Applied , has developed a patented technology combining the highest power UVC w88 mobile diodes with unique optical lenses to intensify and project UVC rays.

Scientists have long known that use of UVC can be an effective way to sterilize solid surfaces or areas, but the short wavelength of UVC radiance (rays) limits them from being able to use glass, plastic or polycarbonate to focus the rays. The AUS team of scientists and engineers reports that they have formulated a new compound to control and maximize the radiance of UVC light.

The testing to evaluate the efficacy of the UVC w88 mobile light was conducted by Timsy Uppal, Ph.D., in the laboratory of Subhash Verma, Ph.D., Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Nevada, Reno, and showed the UVC w88 mobile device to be capable of inactivating a human coronavirus of the COVID-19 family. In the laboratory test report, issued in February 2021, Verma said, “UVC-w88 mobile sanitization unit demonstrated complete virus inactivation under all the tested conditions. These results confirmed that the UVC-w88 mobile disinfection system can provide rapid, reliable, safe, and complete inactivation of human coronavirus from surfaces...within 8 seconds at 5 feet distance.”

Future research is anticipated to explore autonomous robotic mechanisms by which to deliver the UVC w88 mobile light.

“American UVC Science is conducting their product development in laboratory space within our Applied Research Facility,” said Carlos Cardillo, director of the w88 mobile Center for Applied Research. “We are pleased to have them join the many technology companies based on our campus and appreciate their strong interest in working with our faculty to explore meaningful discoveries and products to advance health and safety.”

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