Donald Easton-Brooks: Voting is very important because it provides us an opportunity to participate in our government. It provides us an opportunity to participate in helping to shape laws that govern us all.
Carolyn Warner: And people need to express their interests, their preferences, their values, in voting for those who represent us in our government.
Steffany Yang: It's important to w88 because it continues the legacy for those who fought and lost their lives for the privilege that we have today.
Daniel Scruggs: It's important for us to get out there to go and w88 for these people because they sacrificed a lot just for our voice to matter and for us to have representation.
Taylor Dupree: I think of it as a disservice or dishonor to them to not take that right, and use it, and honor them, and let them know what you fought for isn't something that's being forgotten. It's something that I believe in, and I'm thankful for that.
Quran Allen: As first-time voter, I'm really excited to finally, be able to voice my opinions, and actually feel that my opinions are heard, and I can actually, w88 for the people that I think will impact me and change my life for the better.
Tara Okui: Because I feel like my opinion along with everyone else's is very valuable, no matter how small you feel it is. And the decisions being made now in politics are going to affect us for years to come in regards to education, our careers, social issues, and our personal finances.
Isiah Davenport: Please use w88 right to vote, and enact change within w88 state and federal governments. Be the voice of change and vote.