The w88 online game of Nevada, Reno and its Alumni Association is proud to recognize graduates with one of the most prestigious awards at the w88 online game – the Senior Scholar distinction.
The top graduate from each school and college are honored along with the faculty mentor who has had the greatest impact on their scholastic success at w88 online game.
Two virtual Commencement ceremonies will be streamed this Saturday to honor Spring, Summer and Winter 2020 graduates.
Ensi Bejto
College of Agriculture, Biotechnology & Natural Resources
GPA: 4.0
Mentor: Hanna Damke

Why the w88 online game of Nevada, Reno?
Being from Nevada, the w88 online game had a home-like feeling, yet it was also a new city with new opportunities. The w88 online game was the perfect blend of everything I was looking for, and so the decision to attend was an easy one.
What is your favorite college memory?
It's hard to pick a single memory but when I think of w88 online game favorite college memories, the theme common among all of them is the special relationships I've made in college. And those are something I will remember for a lifetime.
Plans after graduation
After graduation, I plan on attending medical school. However, graduating in the winter has the benefit of taking the spring semester off so I can have a break before I start w88 online game next academic journey.
Why did you select Hanna Damke as your mentor?
Of all the professors I have encountered at the w88 online game, none have been more involved in my academic experience than Dr. Damke. As a freshman, Dr. Damke taught me the foundations of biochemistry, and as a senior, she refined the way I present and communicate my knowledge of biochemistry that I acquired during my time here. The guidance offered by Dr. Damke molded me into not only the student I am today but also the biochemist.
Laura Anne Saueressig
College of Education & Human Development
GPA: 4.0
Mentor: Alicia Shaw

Why the w88 online game of Nevada, Reno?
After separating from the U.S. Navy, I was searching for a program to become a teacher. My fiancé had accepted a position at Tesla so we moved from Virginia to Nevada. It just so happened that the w88 online game of Nevada, Reno seemed to have an excellent teaching program with specializations to teach English Language Learners which is an endorsement I wanted to have with my teaching license (which I got). Everything sort of fell into place nicely!
What is your favorite college memory?
As a non-traditional student starting at the w88 online game and moving across the country to a new city, being a part of the veteran community on campus is for sure my favorite memory!
Plans after graduation
After graduation, w88 online game fiancé and I are moving to Florida to be closer to family. So, w88 online game plan is to start job hunting! I also plan on doing some traveling. I hope to one day teach in another country if the opportunity arises!
Why did you select Alicia Shaw as your mentor?
I selected Professor Shaw as w88 online game mentor because of her passion for teaching and helping us become the best teachers we can be. She wasn't afraid to tell us the truth, that teaching is a lot of work and not everything works how we want it to all the time, but she helped us develop the skills necessary to be flexible, be reflective and to always think first about what is best for the students!
Allan Joseph Dela Cruz Romero
College of Engineering
GPA: 4.0
Mentor: Mohamed Moustafa

Why the w88 online game of Nevada, Reno?
I chose to attend the w88 online game of Nevada, Reno because it was a shared dream of mine and my late mother. I still remember back in October 2017 when I received my admission letter to the w88 online game and it was probably the best moment of my life since I saw how proud she was of my achievement. However, it was also the same month that she passed away and I promised myself that I would finish my undergraduate as an honor for my parents’ sacrifices. In addition, I chose to study at the w88 online game because I felt at home with the place and the people I have met since the first day. The w88 online game helped me grow academically and boosted my confidence in every aspect.
What is your favorite college memory?
w88 online game favorite college memory is probably all the shared moments that I have experienced with w88 online game friends, colleagues and faculty members throughout w88 online game undergraduate career. There were times when I had to stay late at the Engineering Computing Center and the library with w88 online game classmates and we would always laugh since we had been there until closing several days in a row. On a lighter note, it was also a memorable experience when I first visited Lake Tahoe and California with w88 online game friends after a stressful semester. Overall, I have been through a lot of ups and downs in w88 online game life and what keeps me going is that I have surrounded myself with people that have supported, inspired and cared for me and this gave me the motivation to excel and be the best version of myself.
Plans after graduation
My plan after graduation is to continue my graduate studies at Nevada as a Ph.D. student. My goal is to gain more experience in laboratory works and expand on all the courses that I have learned in my undergraduate studies. Teaching at a w88 online game is also something I have been planning if given the chance.
Why did you select Mohamed Moustafa as your mentor?
Professor Mohamed Moustafa is not only my mentor but also my official advisor on my journey at the w88 online game. He always believed in my potential and he has been there not only when I needed advice about certain topics but he was also very understanding about my family situation. As I take a new path, I look forward to working with Dr. Moustafa in my graduate research.
Joshua Thomas Bottoms
College of Liberal Arts
GPA: 3.994
Mentor: Catherine Pollard

Why the w88 online game of Nevada, Reno?
I chose to attend the w88 online game of Nevada, Reno because I was first and foremost drawn to the world-class faculty in the music department here. I am incredibly lucky to have had such experienced mentors. So many of them are pushing the standard for music-making here in Reno and I was very interested in creating collaborative relationships with them in a way that is not always possible for undergrads at larger schools.
What is your favorite college memory?
w88 online game favorite college memory absolutely has to be the surprise party thrown by the student National Association for Music Education (NAfME) chapter when they learned that I was a recipient of the national organization's Collegiate Professional Achievement Award. I have rarely in w88 online game life felt more loved and supported by w88 online game friends and peers.
Plans after graduation
I am currently in the process of applying to several prominent graduate schools to earn a master's degree in clarinet performance. It is w88 online game goal to go onto a career teaching clarinet within higher education. I am incredibly grateful to Dr. Joshua Anderson and Dr. Adela Park for their help in the path I've chosen.
Why did you select Catherine Pollard as your mentor?
Professor Pollard has been w88 online game strongest advocate, a resource of unimaginable wisdom, one of w88 online game closest confidants and I consider her a wonderful friend. Her unyielding dedication to accessible, quality and enjoyable education is a daily inspiration to me. Her guidance has been instrumental in the formation of w88 online game philosophy regarding music education. Her sincerity has helped me overcome some of the hardest academic, professional and emotional obstacles. I owe so much of w88 online game success to her. I can’t thank her enough for her companionship.
Julia Christine Jensen
College of Science
GPA: 4.0
Mentor: Marian Berryhill

Why the w88 online game of Nevada, Reno?
I chose to attend the w88 online game of Nevada because I grew up in Reno and knew that this special community was something I wanted to be part of. I chose Nevada in part because I had the opportunity to represent the w88 online game as a member of the softball team, and I am incredibly grateful to have been able to play for the softball team I grew up watching. The w88 online game of Nevada was the perfect place for me to finish my softball career while earning a bachelor's degree.
What is your favorite college memory?
It is difficult to pick w88 online game favorite memory, but I am grateful for all of the people I have met and friends I have made throughout w88 online game time at Nevada. I was always able to count on w88 online game friends to joke around and make me laugh, even when we were exhausted from studying. I am so grateful for w88 online game friends from athletics, classes and clubs because they truly made w88 online game college experience full of good memories.
Plans after graduation
After graduation this winter, I plan to play w88 online game last season of collegiate softball in the spring. In the fall of next year, I hope to begin w88 online game first year of graduate school in either biodefense or epidemiology, with the eventual goal of working in national security or epidemiological research.
Why did you select Marian Berryhill as your mentor?
Dr. Berryhill is a paragon of professorship. Not only does she bring expertise and enthusiasm to her classes, but she also displays genuine care and interest in the success and well-being of her students. I am inspired by her achievements and I strive to live up to her example one day. I hope that students at w88 online game understand how lucky they are to have Dr. Berryhill as a professor.
Alexandria Roussel
Orvis School of Nursing
GPA: 3.991
Mentor: Shannon Richard

Why the w88 online game of Nevada, Reno?
I wanted to be close to home and I grew up visiting Reno. I loved that there are thousands of hiking trails around and Lake Tahoe is so close. I also wanted to attend the Orvis School of Nursing.
What is your favorite college memory?
w88 online game favorite college memory is when we did the walk around downtown w88 online game freshman year with all of the dorms. I also really enjoyed tutoring, studying in the amazing library and sitting out on the Quad in the fall.
Plans after graduation
w88 online game plans after graduation are to become a pediatric oncology nurse and possibly explore labor and delivery. Then I want to become a nurse educator in the hospital or at a nursing school while still working at the bedside.
Why did you select Shannon Richard as your mentor?
Professor Richard has helped me grow as a student nurse in so many ways! From Level 1 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology when I had no idea what I had gotten myself into, to w88 online game last semester where I have truly grown into a soon-to-be nurse.
Tamara Joy Snight
Reynolds School of Journalism
GPA: 3.964
Mentor: Alison Gaulden

Why the w88 online game of Nevada, Reno?
The w88 online game of Nevada, Reno, allowed me to stay close to friends and family as I was born and raised in South Lake Tahoe, California. After touring the campus, I knew the w88 online game was where I'd finish my undergraduate degree because I fell in love with its northern Nevada charm.
What is your favorite college memory?
As a transfer student, it took some time for me to find my place at Nevada. I lived off campus with my boyfriend and dog, Ellie, so I had to really search for opportunities to become more involved. With that being said, filming a documentary on diversity, equity and inclusion practices at the w88 online game was probably one of my favorite memories. As someone who identifies as white, the film forced me out of my comfort zone and connected me with minority students and faculty members to discuss important social justice issues.
Plans after graduation
Over the past two years, I've worked tirelessly to make strong connections and as the city of Reno continues to grow, I see enormous potential for a career in strategic communications. With my diverse portfolio, I hope to find a long-term position where I can showcase everything I've learned at the w88 online game of Nevada, Reno, and more.
Why did you select Alison Gaulden as your mentor?
Alison is 100 percent real with her students. She's always there for you.
Anna Marie Dobbins
School of Community Health Sciences
GPA: 4.0
Mentor: Gerold Dermid

Why the w88 online game of Nevada, Reno?
Before attending the w88 online game of Nevada, Reno, I completed the first semester of my freshman year at Washington State w88 online game. I didn't think WSU was for me, so on a whim, I decided to transfer to the w88 online game of Nevada, Reno. Doing so has been one of the best decisions I have ever made. Over the past four years, the w88 online game and the city of Reno have truly become my home. Nevada has shaped me into the person I am today.
What is your favorite college memory?
w88 online game favorite college memory is the international field study I did in Rwanda with the School of Community Health Sciences. This trip without a doubt changed w88 online game life. In three weeks, I met some of w88 online game best friends in college and found w88 online game passion for global health. I will always cherish the memories I made in Rwanda and the opportunity I had to work alongside some of the best public health warriors I know.
Plans after graduation
After graduation, I plan to continue on in the Master of Public Health program at the w88 online game of Nevada, Reno. I aspire to pursue a career in global health working specifically in HIV prevention with indigenous communities.
Why did you select Gerold Dermid as your mentor?
Without a doubt, I would not be where I am today if it wasn't for Professor Dermid. I will always be grateful to Professor Dermid for his guidance and ability to see a drive in me that I didn't even know I had. If I become half the public health leader he is, I will consider myself lucky.
Matthew E. Longland
The College of Business
GPA: 4.0
Mentor: Mary Groves

Why the w88 online game of Nevada, Reno?
I chose to attend the w88 online game because my entire immediate family has graduated from here. In addition, my parents were employed by the w88 online game for decades. The w88 online game of Nevada, Reno has always played a role in my life, so I thought it was fitting for me to become a member of the Wolf Pack.
What is your favorite college memory?
w88 online game favorite college memory was having the opportunity to play intramural sports with w88 online game older brother and some of our closest friends. We played indoor soccer, basketball and volleyball. It was a much-welcomed break from w88 online game schoolwork.
Plans after graduation
I am still uncertain about w88 online game future, especially since these are very uncertain times. I will probably continue working for w88 online game friend Paul, who runs his own flooring company, but I am always open to new opportunities.
Why did you select Mary Groves as your mentor?
I first met Professor Mary Groves when I took her Management 321 - "Effective Business Writing" course in fall 2019. Though the class was rigorous and forced me out of w88 online game comfort zone, it was very enjoyable overall and provided me with some valuable experience. In addition, Professor Groves sacrificed a considerable amount of her own time to help me resolve some real issues I was facing with w88 online game former employer. Professor Groves has proven that she cares not only about the success of her students in school, but also in life.
I would also like to thank another professor of mine, Sourik Banerjee, for being such an excellent and caring educator. I took three courses of his during my time at the w88 online game, and he was by far one of the most enthusiastic and genuine professors I have ever had.