Silver Linings with Lynnie and w88 online sports betting Weibezahl

Lynni and w88 online sports betting Weibezahl rediscover home life as graduation plans get cancelled. Mother-daughter duo encourages everyone to cherish family time and take up a new hobby.

Silver Linings with Lynnie and w88 online sports betting Weibezahl

Lynni and w88 online sports betting Weibezahl rediscover home life as graduation plans get cancelled. Mother-daughter duo encourages everyone to cherish family time and take up a new hobby.

w88 online sports betting: Hi I’m w88 online sports betting and I’m a senior at UNR. And I have majors in French, arts and anthropology. And I’m actually here with my mom today who is also a teacher at UNR.

Lynnie: Yes, I&w88 online sports betting;m Lynnie Weibezahl and I&w88 online sports betting;m a French lecturer in World Languages and Literatures and an undergraduate advisor. And yeah, we&w88 online sports betting;ve been uh we&w88 online sports betting;ve been going through some changes.

w88 online sports betting: Yeah, we&w88 online sports betting;ve been both going through this new reality. This new online classes reality. So curriculums have been changing. The structure of courses have been changing. Although overall, I think they have been successful. But I will say that it has been a little harder to find motivation to go to class. It&w88 online sports betting;s a little bit strange, waking up in the morning and just going right out of your bed to a desk and finally to your laptop. So, it&w88 online sports betting;s a little odd but I think everyone is starting to get used to it now. And I think it&w88 online sports betting;s a great thing.

Lynnie: I think the toughest thing for us was finding out that she wasn&w88 online sports betting;t going to be graduating. We&w88 online sports betting;ve been so looking forward to that. When I heard it, I went up and did have a good cry. And then I just bucked up and said “Ok, we&w88 online sports betting;ll have a great graduation party when this is all over.”

w88 online sports betting: But overall I would say that this has its brighter sides and its darker sides. I&w88 online sports betting;ve got to spend a lot more time with my family, which is really unique. Usually I don&w88 online sports betting;t get to see them very much. And I think this really cool thing I&w88 online sports betting;ve seen online especially is this online renaissance. And I&w88 online sports betting;ve seen a lot more art, a lot more reading, people getting to practice their hobbies. And that&w88 online sports betting;s something we&w88 online sports betting;ve both been doing as well.

Lynnie: If there’s a Silver Lining about this because w88 online sports betting was thinking about going to Peace Corps. And I want her to have that experience, if that’s what she wants to do, but that was all cancelled too. So now, she’s here and we get to spend more time. I know she has to leave the nest at some point, but life has slowed down for us a lot and we get to see w88 online sports betting a lot more. And I’m doing more running, more hanging out in the hammock on the deck and not feeling bad about it.

w88 online sports betting: But we&w88 online sports betting;re all hanging in there. We hope everyone else is too and we honestly just can&w88 online sports betting;t wait to get out there and play again. So we&w88 online sports betting;re looking forward to it.

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