Silver & Blue salute w88 online casino betting: 2020 Virtual Awards Ceremony

President Marc Johnson, Provost Kevin Carman, Regent Jason Geddes and others from across campus honor the classified staff that make the w88 online casino betting great

Silver & Blue Salute: 2020 Virtual Awards Ceremony

President Marc Johnson, Provost Kevin Carman, Regent Jason Geddes and others from across campus honor the classified staff that make the w88 online casino betting great

President Marc Johnson: Hello, everyone. I'm happy to be with you as we honor the accomplishments of our classified staff.

During the past decade, I've spent time with many of you. What has become abundantly clear is how

indispensable you are to achieving our mission. Without the important work that you do, our w88 online casino betting simply wouldn't be what it is today, a high functioning and high achieving institution.

Over the past few w88 online casino betting, the university has reached record achievement in a wide range of areas. Without you, these achievements would not have been possible. It's always been a simple fact: We can't be the university we hope to be without our classified personnel.

Every day, we need to acknowledge your work and let you know how much your work is valued here. We faced a challenging period over the past few months. You have helped us meet these challenges in an inspiring way.

And because your classified staff never misses a beat, the w88 online casino betting hasn't missed a beat either.

During my time as President, I've enjoyed the regular meetings I've had with the members of Staff Employees Counsel. I meet with the SEC chair monthly as well. And I've enjoyed coffee time each month

with the Classified Employee of the Month.

Through these interactions, I have listened to you. I hear that working at the w88 online casino betting is so important to you. You make it clear to me that these are jobs with an important purpose, with friendly colleagues, with stability and benefits.

You also have provided good ideas on how to make the w88 online casino betting run better ideas from your own experience, which I don't have the opportunity to see.

Also, you've shared experiences with me about your families who are the real reason you come to work here with such enthusiasm.

Thank you for sharing your ideas and your suggestions with me, and thank you for keeping this campus beautiful and fully functioning.

Despite the disruptions we have experienced with recessions, explosions and pandemics, we honor the work and offer congratulations to all the employees who are so integral to our success. Thank you for all of the important work that you do on behalf of our w88 online casino betting.

It's been an honor of a lifetime to work with all of you.

Provost Kevin Carman: Greetings. I'm delighted to be able to join you at this wonderful event.

I want to offer my most sincere appreciation to our classified employees for the incredible contributions that they make every day to our great w88 online casino betting.

And I know that these recent times have been particularly stressful and challenging. And again, I just want to say how much I appreciate all that you do and contribute to our w88 online casino betting on a daily basis.

I also appreciate the enthusiasm with which you do it. Just I'm always impressed with how committed

and loyal and just basically entirely bought-in to the mission of the w88 online casino betting our classified employees are.

I'd like to relate one particular example that really struck me as during these difficult times that we've been facing. Jennifer Scanio, as you may know, is an administrative assistant in the Pennington Student Achievement Center.

And when we realized that we were going remote last spring, we realized that we needed to provide computers, laptops to students. And Jennifer was just front and center in orchestrating helping to identify where we could get the laptops and then distributing them from the Pennington Student Achievement Center and was working long hours and helping the students get the resources that they needed.

I know that that sort of thing happens on a daily basis with so many folks across this campus. And so, again, I just want to say thank you, but especially thank you for all that you have been doing and are doing as we get through these challenging times.

Regent Jason Geddes: Good afternoon. I'm Jason Geddes. I'm a Regent on the Nevada System

of Higher Education Board of Regents. And I'm here to congratulate all of you at the Silver and Blue Salute for your accomplishments as classified employees on this beautiful campus.

As many of you know, my father was an electrician and plumber here for thirty w88 online casino betting, and he probably talked to all of you at one point in time. And my brother currently works in the heat plant.

I have a deep appreciation for all that you do to make sure this campus is beautiful, welcoming and warm for everybody who comes here for classes or just comes to visit. You all make sure this campus

runs smoothly behind the scenes. And we truly appreciate your efforts.

Thank you.

Dean Matt Means: When I arrived at the w88 online casino betting of Nevada, 15 months ago, it became immediately obvious to me that Kim Bonnefant was a treasure of this institution.

Everywhere I went, I was regaled with stories of her vivacity, sense of service, unrivaled commitment and a heart-led approach to human interaction. It was obvious to me that Kim was successful

not purely because of what she did, but just because of who she is.

After working with her directly, it also became obvious to me that Kim was a natural leader. One who others loved being around. One who could tell a story and deliver it personally and powerfully. For these reasons, it made urgent sense for her to be both recognized and promoted.

Kim leaves the offices she works in and the people she speaks to in a better place then she found them. And she does this effortlessly and selflessly.

Her work ethic is standard-setting. She never says no. She never quits. And she does everything with a smile, and she has a heart of pure gold. May we all possess her same bright light as the w88 online casino betting pass.

Our world and w88 online casino betting is better because of Kim Bonnefant and I'm very proud to be able to call her a friend and a colleague.

Associate Dean Cherie Singer: Judy Shpargel has served the medical students at UNR for 11 w88 online casino betting, and even though she likes to fly under the radar and work behind the scenes, she is one the reasons that the School of Medicine is personal for our students.

She connects with them, listens to them, and is the go-to-person to find solutions for genuine compassion. Her interest makes a lasting impression. In fact, she is the first person they often contact about significant life events or who they reconnect with when they return to Reno to practice medicine.

Jody has also made the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs at the School of Medicine one of the best places to work. Her willingness to go above and beyond for our staff reflects her advocacy for our students.

She can always be counted on for a wry comment, but also her willingness to step in and get it done, to train others, to learn a new skill or commiserate with us when it seems like the sky is following.

Her work matters and makes a difference. And with her dedication, we function with the highest levels of quality, integrity and caring for our students.

People are the strength of the School of Medicine. And Judy Shpargel is a heart and soul of our department and so deserving of this recognition.

Janine Nelson: Amanda Sabiniano is a staff professional trainee in the job evaluation unit and Human Resources.

From the very beginning, Amanda was really a star. One of the qualities I enjoy most about her is her understanding and willingness to accept where she is in the learning process.

She takes on every challenge, and she's patient and allows herself the time to learn. It's a really wonderful quality to have in an employee.

Above all else, she's a kind, thoughtful and compassionate human being. She makes an immediate connection with people, which is really important in her role.

Amanda will have a long and wonderful career here, and I can't wait to watch her grow. I know others join me in saying that we are lucky to work with Amanda every day.

Amanda, a big congratulations from all of us.

Names of retirees, w88 online casino betting, award winners and outgoing SEC council members

SEC w88 online casino betting Retirees

  • Lisa Cody,35
  • Vicky Pascucci, 32 w88 online casino betting
  • Nancy Horowitz, 30 w88 online casino betting, Classified Staff Honoree
  • Dana Bratcher, 29 w88 online casino betting, Classified Staff Honoree
  • Elaine Casey, 29 w88 online casino betting, Classified Staff Honoree
  • Charles May, 28 w88 online casino betting
  • John Torrisi, 26 w88 online casino betting
  • Susie Arrate, 25 w88 online casino betting
  • Jenny Johnson, 24 w88 online casino betting
  • Anette Christensen, 23 w88 online casino betting
  • Maureen Morton, 20 w88 online casino betting, Classified Staff Honoree
  • Donna St John, 19 w88 online casino betting
  • Kimberly Roberts, 19 w88 online casino betting
  • Reva Crump, 19 w88 online casino betting
  • Lilia Ramirez, 18 w88 online casino betting
  • Linda Ward, 16 w88 online casino betting
  • Marvin Wakefield, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Cheri Briggs, 14 w88 online casino betting
  • Penny Yaste, 14 w88 online casino betting
  • Tiny Mclachlan, 14 w88 online casino betting
  • Marianne Davis, 13 w88 online casino betting
  • Berta Martinez, 10 w88 online casino betting
  • Diana Arrendale, 7 w88 online casino betting
  • Les Hopkins, 7 w88 online casino betting
  • Robert Richardson, 6 w88 online casino betting
  • Jeffrey Rogers, 5 w88 online casino betting
  • Timothy Carson, 5 w88 online casino betting

SEC w88 online casino betting

  • Mele Pasina, 30 w88 online casino betting
  • Melissa Bell, 30 w88 online casino betting
  • Denise Goode, 30 w88 online casino betting
  • Martin Ruiz, 25 w88 online casino betting
  • Jimmy Johnson, 25 w88 online casino betting
  • Olga Soto, 25 w88 online casino betting
  • Robin Collins, 25 w88 online casino betting
  • Jerry Winter, 25 w88 online casino betting
  • Sally Echeto , 25 w88 online casino betting
  • Jennifer Laslo, 25 w88 online casino betting
  • Martha Barajas, 20 w88 online casino betting
  • Suzi Stempeck, 20 w88 online casino betting
  • Joshua Reynolds, 20 w88 online casino betting
  • Bonnie Coker, 20 w88 online casino betting
  • Sandra Wallin, 20 w88 online casino betting
  • Imee Espejo, 20 w88 online casino betting
  • Marianne Jacobsen, 20 w88 online casino betting
  • Rebekah Woolsey, 20 w88 online casino betting
  • Jaime Frank, 20 w88 online casino betting
  • Karyn Sholund, 20 w88 online casino betting
  • Kimberly Boehner, 20 w88 online casino betting
  • Judy Otteson, 20 w88 online casino betting
  • Roberto Ramirez, 20 w88 online casino betting
  • Douglas Bookey, 20 w88 online casino betting
  • Willie Daugherty, 20 w88 online casino betting
  • Elaine Fagin, 20 w88 online casino betting
  • Maria Calderon, 20 w88 online casino betting
  • George Brewster, 20 w88 online casino betting
  • Kathryn Johnson, 20 w88 online casino betting
  • Travis Stewart, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Susan Kinder, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Kelly Smith, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Maria Cabangon, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Michael Henson, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Jan Anderson, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Lauren Castro, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Deborah Alexander, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Jennifer Vlcan, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Tom Emmons, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Tatiana Gouem, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Jane Gardner, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Karyn Johnson, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Lisa Kornze, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Lynda Mclellan, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Darren Schryer, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Jaime Mcguire, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Treg Gardner, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Howie Hess, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Jim Barcellos, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Shauna Herrick, 15 w88 online casino betting
  • Nickolas Crowl, 10 w88 online casino betting
  • Savannah Maienschein, 10 w88 online casino betting
  • Angelina Shaw, 10 w88 online casino betting
  • Cara Goss, 10 w88 online casino betting
  • Todd Lyttle, 10 w88 online casino betting
  • Andrea Agarwal, 10 w88 online casino betting
  • Jose Rios, 10 w88 online casino betting
  • Elizabeth Brown, 10 w88 online casino betting
  • Darren Moore, 10 w88 online casino betting
  • Veronica Arinze, 10 w88 online casino betting
  • Liliana Ruiz, 10 w88 online casino betting
  • Freddie Rusanoff , 10 w88 online casino betting

2019 Employees of the Month

  • January, Seresa Greer, Human Resources
  • February, Josh Scilacci, Residential Life and Housing
  • March, Brian Vodehnal, Facilities Maintenance Services
  • April, Ken Moore, Facilities Maintenance Services
  • May, Susan Kinder, Chemistry Department
  • June, Virginia Riley, Custodial, Facilities Services
  • July, Katherine Dirk, Libraries
  • August, Jason Bayliss, Facilities Maintenance Services, HVAC
  • September, Cimothy Halverson, Facilities Maintenance Services, Electrical
  • October, Debbie Penrod, Publications Writer, w88 online casino betting Police Services
  • November, Lizeth Barroeta, Community Based Instructor, Literacy Department
  • December, Jose Lopez-Medina, Parking and Transportation Services

Outgoing SEC Representatives

  • Veronica Alumbaugh, College of Engineering
  • Steve Cavallaro Facilities
  • Maria Duque-Rueda, Library / IT
  • Ginger Fenwick, Health Sciences
  • Jane Gardner, College of Education
  • Treg Gardner, UNR School of Medicine
  • Seresa Greer, Administration & Finance
  • Donna Healy, President's Division and DAR
  • Vince Keller, Student Services
  • Roxanne Piskel, College of Science
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