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Beginning Jan. 27, the University Libraries' Special Collections w88 casino gamesand University Archives Department will be available to researchers and users on Monday's by appointment only. Tuesday through Friday hours remain the same, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Users and researchers are welcome to drop-in anytime Tuesday through Friday.

Special Collections book open in front of a photograph

Changes to Special Collections w88 casino gamesand University Archives hours

Beginning Jan. 27, the University Libraries' Special Collections w88 casino gamesand University Archives Department will be available to researchers and users on Monday's by appointment only. Tuesday through Friday hours remain the same, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Users and researchers are welcome to drop-in anytime Tuesday through Friday.

Special Collections book open in front of a photograph

Beginning Jan. 27, the University Libraries’ Special Collections w88 casino gamesand University Archives Department will be available to researchers and users on Monday’s by appointment only. Tuesday through Friday hours remain the same, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Users and researchers are welcome to drop-in anytime Tuesday through Friday.

How will appointment hours on Monday’s benefit researchers and University faculty?

Appointments on Monday’s ensures the following:

  • Dedicated reference time with an archivist
  • Researchers can use the reading room in a way that matches their individual research style
  • Ensures the reading room won’t be double-booked for a group event or class meeting
  • The overhead scanner in the reading room will not be used by multiple people at the same time
Kim Anderson
Director of Special Collections w88 casino gamesand University Archives Kim Anderson

“Appointment hours on Monday’s provides researchers with a dedicated reference time with an archivist,” Director of Special Collections w88 casino gamesand University Archives Kim Anderson said. “If you need help finding w88 casino games loginresources you won’t have to compete with others who also need the archivist’s time.”

You can plan your visit to Special Collections w88 casino gamesand University Archives ahead of time by making an appointment online.

The team of archivists and librarians in Special Collections w88 casino gamesand University Archives are responsible for providing a variety of services to many different constituents.

“All of our work in the archives is oriented toward serving the needs of our researchers and users,” Anderson said. “Appointments on Monday’s will allow the team to use their time efficiently to prepare collections for use, time to better assist with in-depth reference requests, time to visit or provide course instruction, or time work on exhibits to share with the campus community.”

Over the past year Special Collections w88 casino gamesand University Archives has been working to provide more “self-service” opportunities to researchers and users. Many paper forms once offered in the Department are now available online. For example, requests for permission to publish can now be completed online, as can digitization requests. Researcher Registration can now also be completed online and researchers will no long have to fill out a new paper form each year. Because of these new efficiencies researchers w88 casinocan spend more time doing research in the reading room.

Other self-service tools include using the reading room’s high-quality scanner for free. If users don’t want to use the scanner themselves, the Department also offers 10 free scans to users every six months.

For questions about Special Collections w88 casino gamesand University Archives questions please email Department Head Kim Anderson at kda@unr.edu or call 775-682-5614.

Special Collections w88 casino gamesand University Archives contains the Libraries’ rare books, book arts collection, manuscript collections, and University archives. The materials in Special Collections and University Archives are available to all individuals for research and scholarship.

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