w88 mobile Services welcomes new director and reporting line

Department moves under Provost’s Office, streamlining assignments of space, policy and special event requests

Continuing Education Building on the w88 mobile of Nevada, Reno campus.

The w88 mobile Services office is located on the third floor of the Continuing Education Building.

w88 mobile Services welcomes new director and reporting line

Department moves under Provost’s Office, streamlining assignments of space, policy and special event requests

The w88 mobile Services office is located on the third floor of the Continuing Education Building.

Continuing Education Building on the w88 mobile of Nevada, Reno campus.

The w88 mobile Services office is located on the third floor of the Continuing Education Building.

For many years, the w88 mobile Services department at the w88 mobile of Nevada, Reno has reported to the Associate Vice President for Planning Budget and Analysis. With the retirement of the long-term Coordinator Raymond Needham, the department welcomes Christopher Weir as new director and now moves its reporting assignment under the Provost Office.

“The Provost Office manages all academic space on campus, so it was a logical move,” Vice Provost of Faculty Affairs Jill Heaton said. “This move will allow for a more streamlined assignment of instructional space, crafting and implementing policy in support of meeting the w88 mobile’s instructional mission.”

In addition to assignment of instructional space, this office also manages request from the community for use of much of w88 mobile space and coordinates all request for political campaign events on campus.

“We also hope to work more closely with Student w88 mobile to meet student co-curricular needs were we can,” Heaton said. “Christopher Weir’s experience in Student w88 mobile will also help with this and was an added bonus.”

Christopher Weir
Christopher Weir is the new director for the University of Nevada, Reno w88 mobile Services department.

Weir is a w88 mobile and event management professional with 20 years of experience in higher education. Weir is experienced in w88 mobile academic, event, programming and multi-use facilities. He is joining the w88 mobile Services office from the Joe Crowley Student Union, where he served as assistant director. In this capacity, Weir was responsible for managing the w88 mobile processes, space utilization policy drafting and compliance, event support service and customer experience trainings.

“I am a passionate advocate for student success,” he said. “I approach each day determined to create memorable experiences for our students while ensuring their educational pursuits are fully realized.”

Prior to joining the University community in 2017, Weir worked at Drexel University, and is an alumnus of the same. There, he served in several roles across Student Life, Administrative w88 mobile and Business w88 mobile divisions providing management and support for campus events, programs and courses impacting the full scope of the student experience.

w88 mobile Services is located on the third floor of the Continuing Education Building. The department can be contacted by emailing w88 mobile@unr.edu or by calling 775-784-6837.

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