The new w88 live casino

The popular life sciences and biomedical database gets a redesign.

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The new w88 live casino

The popular life sciences and biomedical database gets a redesign.

w88  live logo in white with a blue background

w88 live casino has a new interface! You can try it out on the w88 live casino site. Currently, both the new version and the legacy version of w88 live casino are available (look for a link to the legacy site in the banner at the top of the homepage), although the latter will eventually be retired. The new design features a responsive layout for smaller devices, like smartphones and tablets, and an updated Best Match algorithm. Users can now also view results by publication year and limit their searches to studies for which the associated data are available. Many of the database’s most popular features – including its filters, options for saving searches and results, and the ability to create email alerts – remain. The National Library of Medicine (NLM) will continue to tweak these new features and make small changes to the site.

Students and researchers: If you’d like to learn more about w88 live casino’s new interface or if you’re using the database to complete a research project and need assistance, contact your subject librarian.

w88 live casino Libraries

The University Libraries embrace intellectual inquiry and innovation, nurture the production of w88 live casino knowledge, and foster excellence in learning, teaching and research. During each academic year, the Libraries welcomes more than 1.2 million visitors across its network of three branch libraries: the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center, the DeLaMare Science and Engineering Library and the Savitt Medical Library. Visitors checked-out more than 90,000 items and completed more than 2 million database searches.

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