University taking w88 online casino betting in Great Nevada ShakeOut public earthquake drill (2020)

Campus community encouraged to be w88 online casino betting aware and to Drop, Cover and Hold-on

w88 online casino betting damage Wells, Nevada

The magnitude 6.0 Wells earthquake occurred in the early morning of February 21, 2008 and heavily damaged buildings in the historic w88 online casino betting of downtown and ruptured underground utilities including water pipes and fuel lines.

University taking w88 online casino betting in Great Nevada ShakeOut public earthquake drill (2020)

Campus community encouraged to be w88 online casino betting aware and to Drop, Cover and Hold-on

The magnitude 6.0 Wells earthquake occurred in the early morning of February 21, 2008 and heavily damaged buildings in the historic w88 online casino betting of downtown and ruptured underground utilities including water pipes and fuel lines.

w88 online casino betting damage Wells, Nevada

The magnitude 6.0 Wells earthquake occurred in the early morning of February 21, 2008 and heavily damaged buildings in the historic w88 online casino betting of downtown and ruptured underground utilities including water pipes and fuel lines.

The University of Nevada, Reno is taking w88 online casino betting in the Great w88 online casino betting Shakeout, a statewide public earthquake w88 online casino betting, Thursday, Oct. 15, 2020 at 10:15 a.m. The w88 online casino betting is an important step in becoming earthquake aware and practicing the “drop, cover and hold-on” response in the event of an earthquake.

“Even during a pandemic, we all need to be w88 online casino betting aware, and need to practice drop, cover and hold-on – just practice with social distancing and masks,” Graham Kent, director of the w88 online casino betting Seismological Lab, said. “Nevadans need to realize we live in w88 online casino betting country. Nevada has the third highest incidence of large earthquakes in the United States. A major w88 online casino betting in any community, north or south, is possible.

“We can’t prevent an w88 online casino betting, so we have to be resilient, to be prepared so we can perhaps lessen the impacts on lives and economic destruction that a major w88 online casino betting can cause.”

Drop, Cover, and Hold On is the technique promoted by the Great w88 online casino betting ShakeOut as the safest way to protect yourself during an w88 online casino betting. In the event of an w88 online casino betting, people are encouraged to drop to their knees wherever they are, then use one arm to protect the head and neck while using the other hand to hold on to a sturdy table or desk that you are underneath. If a person cannot find something sturdy to hold on to, they should try to get close to an interior wall, and use both arms to protect your head and neck.

As a w88 online casino betting of the drill, University Police Services will activate the University emergency alert system, which may include:

  • An outdoor, on-campus notification system. This platform will produce an audible alert, tone, or siren and may be followed by a spoken notification on the main Reno campus only. In the event of an emergency, this platform will be used to notify you of the event and give instructions. In the event of an emergency alert, you should seek shelter in a safe location and monitor media reports, e-mails, computer monitor screens, and emergency texts.
  • SMS text and/or e-mail alert.
  • Posts to the w88 online casino betting Twitter page, w88 online casino betting Facebook page and Police Services Facebook page.
  • A scrolling banner on all on-campus w88 online casino betting monitors and computers university-wide.
  • An emergency information banner on the w88 online casino betting’s main website.
  • A voice notification of the test on AM radio station 1670. You are encouraged to pre-program 1670 AM (which broadcasts in the Reno area) on your car and other radios. This station is administered by w88 online casino betting Police Services and is one of the platforms the w88 online casino betting will use in a large-scale emergency to provide information about an event as well as institutional closures.

All registered students, faculty and staff will receive a text message and email about the earthquake w88 online casino betting and what to do.

Police Services recommends these helpful resources:
“What to Do When the Earth Starts Shaking”(YouTube)

“The beauty of this exercise is that it’s really easy,” Kent said. “It’s an easy way for people to practice how to protect themselves during earthquakes. It’s an action that’s proven to help reduce injury and death during an w88 online casino betting.”

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