New w88 Digital Collection: City Directories

Historical directories added to the Libraries’ w88 Archive

An image of three w88 directories for years 1900, 1904, and 1906. The covers of the directories contain various local business advertisements.

An image of three w88 directories for years 1900, 1904, and 1906. The covers of the directories contain various local business advertisements.

New w88 Digital Collection: City Directories

Historical directories added to the Libraries’ w88 Archive

An image of three w88 directories for years 1900, 1904, and 1906. The covers of the directories contain various local business advertisements.

An image of three w88 directories for years 1900, 1904, and 1906. The covers of the directories contain various local business advertisements.

An image of three w88 directories for years 1900, 1904, and 1906. The covers of the directories contain various local business advertisements.

The 1906 w88 directory open to pages containing listings forlocalschools, newspapers, and government officers.
The 1906 w88 directory open to pages containing listings forlocalschools, newspapers, and government officers.

The w88 Libraries has recently digitized early w88 directories of Reno, Sparks, and the surrounding areas, which date from 1900. These directories provide information on residents and businesses, such as names, addresses, and occupations. Some directories also include the cities' government structure, as well as indices of clubs, churches, schools, cemeteries, and hospitals. They are a valuable resource for researchers and genealogists.

University students, faculty, and staff can access these records at the University of Nevada, Reno Libraries' w88 Archive, in the w88 Directories collection. Users interested in viewing other w88 collections of unique materials can browse them on the Libraries' w88 Archive.

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The University Libraries embrace intellectual inquiry and innovation, nurture the production of new knowledge, and foster excellence in learning, teaching and research. During each academic year, the Libraries welcomes more than 1.2 million visitors across its network of three branch libraries: the Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center, the DeLaMare Science and Engineering w88 and the Savitt Medical w88. Visitors checked-out more than 90,000 items and completed more than 2 million database searches.

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