Graduates of w88 casino Health Virtual Hooding Ceremony 2020

Spring, summer, and fall graduates of w88 casino health were honored in a virtual hooding ceremony on December 4, 2020.

Graduates of w88 casino Health Virtual Hooding Ceremony 2020

Spring, summer, and fall graduates of w88 casino health were honored in a virtual hooding ceremony on December 4, 2020.

On December 4, 2020, the School of Community Health Sciences (CHS) at the University of Nevada, Reno celebrated three semesters (spring, summer, fall) of w88 casino health graduates. The spring graduation ceremony was postponed due to COVID restrictions and students were promised a proper Doctor of Philosophy in w88 casino Health (Ph.D.) and Master of w88 casino Health (MPH) Hooding Ceremony in the fall. The cancellation of the spring ceremony was especially disappointing since the first Ph.D. class in w88 casino Health was graduating along with several MPH students.

As the year progressed, it appeared large gathering restrictions were not going away any time soon. As such, the School decided to formalize the ceremony virtually through Zoom. Dr. Trudy Larson, Founding Dean, of the Community Health Sciences wanted a celebration as close to the real thing as possible. Executive Vice President and Provost, Dr. Kevin Carman showed up in full regalia along with all of CHS academic faculty and delivered an inspiring keynote speech. Michael Johnson of Michael Johnson Consulting was awarded the Worden Award for outstanding w88 casino health leadership. Lauran Evans, MD, MPH, and Kelly Summers, MPH were also given the prestigious Dr. Sandra A. Daugherty Award for exceptional community engagement. Scholar awards were awarded along with Graduate Dean's Merit Scholars and Delta Phi Honorary Society in w88 casino Health inductees.

It was an honor to celebrate four Ph.D. students in w88 casino Health: Dr. Taylor Lensch and Dr. Larissa L. White in Epidemiology and Dr. Kathrine E. Wright and Dr. Xiangjun Zhang in Social and Behavioral Health. Fifty-three MPH students in Epidemiology, Social and Behavioral Health, and Health Administration and Policy were also celebrated.

The celebration ended with a fun video created by students singing along with the alma mater. Dr. Mel Minarik closed the ceremony with an inspiring speech wishing the graduating class of 2020 well as they enter the next phase of their careers in w88 casino health.

Congratulations to the CHS w88 casino of 2020!

00:30:43 Kimberly McAliley: w88 casino Michael!!!
00:30:50 Terra Hamblin, ATTC: w88 casino Mike!
00:30:59 Samantha Tostenson: w88 casino!
00:31:02 Dr. Mel Minarik: Amazing work Mike!
00:33:12 Kimberly McAliley: w88 casino Lauran and Kelly!!!
00:33:37 Sherronda: w88 casino!!
00:33:42 Julie Lucero: w88 casino Lauren and Kelly!
00:33:48 Amanda DiGoregorio: w88 casino!
00:34:13 Natasha Espinosa: w88 casino everyone!!!
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00:34:35 Kimberly McAliley: w88 casino Chandi, Victoria, Eric, Amanda, Lauran, and Dillon!!!!!
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00:34:38 Samantha Tostenson: w88 casino!!
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00:34:43 Kevin: congrats everybody 👏
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00:35:03 Amanda DiGoregorio: Congrats everyone! Thank w88 casino
00:35:05 Julie Lucero: Woot-woot, great job Laura!
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00:35:09 Kimberly McAliley: Thank w88 casino!
00:35:14 Cyndi Baker, LCSW: Woo! Hoo! w88 casino Amanda!
00:35:18 Jillian Szewczak: w88 casino, Laura!
00:35:20 Jennifer Carson: w88 casino, Laura! So well deserved!
00:35:21 Samantha Tostenson: w88 casino Laura and Taylor
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00:35:33 Julie Lucero: w88 casino Taylor!
00:35:42 Jillian Szewczak: w88 casino Taylor!
00:35:42 Dr. Mel Minarik: yeah Taylor!!!!!
00:35:42 Joshua Garn: Nice Taylor!
00:35:55 Victoria Burris: thank w88 casino everyone, congrats all!!
00:35:58 Taylor Lensch: Thanks everyone!
00:36:39 Samantha Tostenson: Grats
00:36:50 Xiangjun Zhang: Thank w88 casino all!
00:44:14 Amanda DiGoregorio: w88 casino UNR!
00:45:41 Laura Johnson: Wowowow! Congrats to Taylor, Jun, Kathrine, and Larissa! :)
00:46:01 Larissa White: Wooooo!!!!!!
00:46:11 heather: Ahhhhh!! WooWoo!!
00:46:12 Taylor Lensch: Thank w88 casino!
00:46:17 Natasha Espinosa: w88 casino!
00:46:32 Kathrine Wright: Thank w88 casino! :)
00:46:36 Elizabeth Fuller: Congrats to the 4 of w88 casino on earning your PHD
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00:47:02 Xiangjun Zhang: Thank w88 casino!
00:47:15 heather: Ahhhh!!!!!!!!
00:47:23 heather: THATS MY BESTIE!!!
00:47:26 Joshua Garn: Congrats Larissa!
00:47:37 Kathrine Wright: Congrats, everyone!
00:47:49 Larissa White: Thank w88 casino and congrats everyone!
00:47:56 dwsur: Yeah Larissa!!!!!!!!
00:49:03 Eric Crosbie: w88 casino Daniel!!! :)
00:49:23 Eric Crosbie: w88 casino Garrett!!! :)
00:52:02 Larissa White: Go Lea!!!!
00:52:47 Larissa White: Way to go Torey!!!
00:52:49 Kathrine Wright: Go Lea!!
00:53:51 Joshua Garn: Way to go Torey and Winter!
00:53:55 James Na: congrats Kerry!!!
00:54:50 Avery Ruvalcaba: w88 casino Shayla B!
00:54:56 Amanda DiGoregorio: Congrats Shayla!
00:55:06 Amanda DiGoregorio: CONGRATS VICTORIA!!!!!!!!!!
00:55:12 James Na: congrats Victoria
00:55:15 Lara Falkenstein: Congrats Victoria
00:55:16 Natasha Espinosa: congrats Victoria!!!
00:55:23 Linda Barbara: Big craangrats Shayla B.
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00:55:40 Sherronda: Congrats Shayla!
00:55:44 chand: Congrats Victorie
00:58:11 Amanda DiGoregorio: CONGRATS CHANDI!!!
00:58:24 Victoria Burris: Congrats all!!
00:58:26 James: congrats chandi!!!
00:59:06 James: congrats Analicia!!!
00:59:40 Amanda DiGoregorio: Congrats Natasha!
00:59:45 James: congrats Alexandra!!!
00:59:45 chand: Congrats Natasha!
01:00:03 Ingrid Mburia: w88 casino Chandi, Journee, Garima, Analicia, Natasha, Alexandra and Bryan!
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01:00:47 chand: Congrats Sam and Crystal!
01:01:11 James: GO Amanda!!!!
01:01:12 chand: Yay Amanda...congrats!
01:01:18 Natasha Espinosa: Thanks everyone!!!! Congrats to everyone! We did it!
01:01:20 Ang C.: yaaaayyy. Amanda.
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01:16:30 Amanda DiGoregorio: Thank w88 casino, Professors!
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