Besides needing funds available for w88 sports betting app businesses during the COVID-19 crisis, w88 sports betting app-business owners need additional support and guidance, as well as opportunities to talk with other w88 sports betting app-business owners. w88 sports betting app is offering virtual question-and-answer “Coping With COVID-19 w88 sports betting app Halls” for small businesses every Wednesday, and webinars on specific topics for small businesses every Friday. The w88 sports betting app halls and the webinars are offered in Spanish and English and are aimed at helping small businesses “pivot and adapt” during this challenging time.
This is the third week of sessions. During the w88 sports betting app halls, there is usually a short presentation on a given topic or a preview of the Friday webinar during the first 10 minutes. Then, the participants network with one another and drive the discussion, with a panel of professionals and educators helping them troubleshoot challenges they are encountering. The Friday webinars provide information on specific topics to help businesses plan strategically, adapt and succeed.
This week’s w88 sports betting app hall
Wednesday, April 29, 9 a.m. for English speakers and at 2 p.m. for Spanish speakers
Panelists include:
- Reyna Mendez, w88 sports betting app business development instructor
- Juan Salas, w88 sports betting app business development instructor
- Mike Bindrup, w88 sports betting app research associate
- Saul Ramos, w88 sports betting app Business Administration deputy district director
- Nicole Taylor Sharp, Lev Social owner
w88 sports betting app week’s webinar, “Effective Social Media Strategies”
Friday, May 1, 9 a.m. for English speakers and at 11:30 a.m. for Spanish speakers
Salas and Bindrup will focus on how to promote w88 sports betting app during COVID-19, discussing:
- Transitioning from face-to-face w88 sports betting app to online:
- w88 sports betting app crisis
- In the long term
- When to use which social media platform:When to use which social media platform:
- Developing marketable, noteworthy promotional videos
Organizers say that while many of our state’s w88 sports betting app are focused on the funding aspects of their w88 sports betting app, which is natural, they may be overlooking other opportunities to improve their overall business, during and after COVID-19.
“Our goal is to provide resources and educational platforms to help our small businesses, statewide, cope and retool during this unprecedented pandemic,” said Buddy Borden, economic development specialist with w88 sports betting app’s Business Development Program. “Ultimately, our goal is that when things begin to return to normal, our state’s small businesses will be even stronger.”
Borden said that the they hope to reach w88 sports betting app across the state, n the north and the south, and in both urban and rural areas.
“While we were really happy to connect with so many businesses in our urban areas, we really want to let our w88 sports betting app businesses in the rural areas know that we are here to assist them as well,” Borden said.
Both the w88 sports betting app halls and the webinars are free, and usually run about an hour. To register or for more information, go to the Extension w88 sports betting app Development Program website. There are also other resources at the website to assist w88 sports betting app during the COVID-19 crisis. For more information, email Borden.