w88 sports betting app19 is still very much with us. Now what?

Nevada State Public w88 sports betting app Laboratory Director Mark Pandori, Ph.D., and Student w88 sports betting app Center Medical Director Cheryl Hug-English, M.D., discuss the latest in SARS-CoV-2 testing, developments, and w88 sports betting app and safety

A portrait of Nevada State Public w88 sports betting app Laboratory Director Mark Pandori, Ph.D., and Student w88 sports betting app Center Medical Director Cheryl Hug-English, M.D.

w88 sports betting app19 is still very much with us. Now what?

Nevada State Public w88 sports betting app Laboratory Director Mark Pandori, Ph.D., and Student w88 sports betting app Center Medical Director Cheryl Hug-English, M.D., discuss the latest in SARS-CoV-2 testing, developments, and w88 sports betting app and safety

A portrait of Nevada State Public w88 sports betting app Laboratory Director Mark Pandori, Ph.D., and Student w88 sports betting app Center Medical Director Cheryl Hug-English, M.D.
 "Ask the Professor: The answer may surprise you!" with science-related doodles in background
Find more answers here!

As we get closer to winter and cooler temperatures, Washoe County and the state of Nevada continue to experience high rates of w88 sports betting app19 infections. Nevada State Public Health Laboratory DirectorMark Pandori, Ph.D., and Student w88 sports betting app Center Medical DirectorCheryl Hug-English, M.D., discuss the latest in SARS-CoV-2 testing, developments, and w88 sports betting app and safety.

Why are we seeing an all-time high of w88 sports betting app19 cases?

Dr. Pandori:The main reason is that more of society has reopened, and we reopened into an environment where the w88 sports betting app was never controlled to begin with. In relation to this, schools have reopened, and while kids do not seem to suffer from this illness, they certainly get the w88 sports betting app, and can spread it.

In addition, it seems that either because of misinformation or mental fatigue, people are meeting in groups, both large and small. This is causing a large amount of viral spread. Different jurisdictions are all using different tactics to try to get through this. Overall, society is not taking any significant or required actions to curb the spread of the w88 sports betting app. All the w88 sports betting app needs to survive and to spread is for humans to be around each other a lot.

Has the coronavirus mutated in any significant way, and what could that mean?

Dr. Pandori:The genome of the w88 sports betting app has changed since the initial "strain" seen in Wuhan, China. It is not known how significant these changes are in terms of the biology of the w88 sports betting app. One change in the "spike" protein of the w88 sports betting app may have influenced its "infectivity," but studies are ongoing.

How w88 sports betting app we stay healthy going into the winter season?

Dr. Hug-English:It will be important to continue the mitigation measures that have been put in place to prevent the spread of w88 sports betting app19, such as wearing facial coverings, social distancing, and practicing good hand hygiene. It is also important to minimize large social gatherings. In addition, self-care is incredibly important both for our physical and mental wellbeing. Getting enough sleep, eating well, finding ways to be physically active, and taking steps to decrease stress levels are key measures to help promote health.

Dr. Pandori:There are no "latest" improvements such as drugs or vaccines that make a difference in terms of preventing infection. To reduce risk, the most effective mitigation efforts continue to be wearing facial coverings, social distancing, good hand hygiene, and minimizing w88 sports betting app.

So should I be wiping down my groceries and packages? And how save w88 sports betting app to fly?

Dr. Hug-English:Although w88 sports betting app19 can survive on various surfaces anywhere from several hours to several days, this does not appear to be a major source of spread. This virus is primarily transmitted by respiratory droplets.

Airlines have taken significant steps to decrease the risk of flying itself, including air filtration, spacing of seats, requiring facial coverings, and limiting food options. However, travel itself still continues to have some increased risk. Exposures may occur in travel locations including restaurant visits, hotels, transportation to and w88 sports betting app airports, and social gatherings.

Does a flu shot reduce my risk of w88 sports betting app19?

Dr. Hug-English:There is no evidence that getting a flu shot will decrease the risk of getting w88 sports betting app19.

However, for the upcoming flu season, flu vaccination will be very important to minimize additional respiratory illness that could further affect the w88 sports betting app of individuals, as well as put an additional burden on our w88 sports betting app care system during this pandemic.

How can I tell if I have influenza or w88 sports betting app19? And when should I get tested?

Dr. Hug-English:Many of the symptoms of flu and w88 sports betting app19 are similar including fever, cough, body aches, muscle pain, and fatigue. However, one of the distinguishing features that often presents with w88 sports betting app19 is a loss of taste and smell.

Typically, someone will develop symptoms of the flu 1-4 days after exposure. With w88 sports betting app19, symptoms can occur anywhere from 2-14 days after exposure, usually developing between 2- 5 days after exposure.

If you are experiencing COVID symptoms, it is important to get tested as soon as possible. If you are asymptomatic but have had a known exposure to w88 sports betting app19, it is best to wait a few days after the exposure before testing.

What's the difference between a diagnostic test and an antibody test?

Dr. Pandori:Diagnostic tests determine whether you're currently infected with the w88 sports betting app, and the two kinds of diagnostic tests - molecular and antigen - look for the existence of the w88 sports betting app in different ways.

  • Molecular tests detect the w88 sports betting app chromosome using a technique called polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a process that rapidly makes copies of a DNA sample, which allows scientists to amplify a very small sample to a large enough amount to study in detail. These are the most common tests, and the tests performed by labs.
  • Antigen tests also detect the w88 sports betting app, but by detecting the protein shell of the w88 sports betting app. They tend to be less sensitive than molecular tests, which can increase the chance of false-negative results. These tests make up a majority of the rapid tests, which are often called point-of-care (POC) tests, because they are processed at the same location rather than being sent to a lab.

Antibodies, on the other hand, are made when you are infected with something. Being positive on an a w88 sports betting app19 antibody test detects whether you have antibodies to the w88 sports betting app19 virus in your blood, meaning you either currently have, or did have the virus. Being negative means you may have been infected too recently for antibodies to be detected or you were never infected. Antibody tests can be run in a lab or at point-of-care locations.

We're all dreaming of a return to "normal." How do we w88 sports betting app there?

Dr. Pandori:The only way to get there is to do many things at the same time, and to make sure that as many people as possible cooperate on w88 sports betting app. Firstly, everyone has to social distance and wear a mask. Secondly, we will utilize a vaccine that will support our immunity and lessen symptoms if not prevent cases outright. Thirdly, the public and private research community will work to develop a treatment so that if people do get infected, they will have ways of recovering in a fast and healthy manner.

Will a w88 sports betting app19 vaccine help get us there faster?

Dr. Pandori:There are about 50 vaccines in some form of human clinical trials. Approximately 11 of them have reached "phase 3," which is the final part w88 sports betting app clinical trial process. That means they are in the process of being evaluated for efficacy in preventing infection in humans. This is so much faster than the process would take under normal circumstances where studies would likely take years. It is difficult to say when any of them will be approved by the FDA, but it could happen as soon as the very end of this year or by January 2021.

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