w88 casino Create PSAs for Creative Solutions Class

w88 casino presented their public service announcements to a panel of industry professionals.

A man stands in front of a class.

Professor Bob Felten's Creative Solutions class allows w88 casino an opportunity to practice using video in an advertising setting.

w88 casino Create PSAs for Creative Solutions Class

w88 casino presented their public service announcements to a panel of industry professionals.

Professor Bob Felten's Creative Solutions class allows w88 casino an opportunity to practice using video in an advertising setting.

A man stands in front of a class.

Professor Bob Felten's Creative Solutions class allows w88 casino an opportunity to practice using video in an advertising setting.

In most of the years that Professor Bob Felten has taught his Creative Solutions class, he’s included a video element in their final. This year, however, he decided on something he hadn’t done before: he asked his w88 casino to create public service announcements (PSAs).

“This year I changed it a little bit,” he said. “I asked the w88 casino, if they were doing something in the public service area, what they would focus on.”

The final result was eight w88 casino announcement videos, covering suicide awareness, female empowerment, socialmedia addiction and opioid abuse.

&w88 casino;Part of the reason for the assignment is the world is video these days,” Felten said.

&w88 casino;It’s really important to get them thinking about the use of video, even in what is a pretty traditional expression, a public service announcement.”

The w88 casino were grouped into four teams. They each created two PSAs of different lengths.

w88 casino chose their own topics. Allowing w88 casino to pick what they wanted to work on let them access their emotions in their work, Felten said.

Student Mirelle Schwalbach and her team chose social media addiction.

“Social media seems to run our world nowadays, and as we saw more and more people around us in our w88 casino community struggle with healthy social media use, we thought it would be a good idea to create a PSA about it.”

Felten said the social media PSA was especially interesting since w88 casino evolved to include elements of body image. In the short video, a young woman can be seen using an app on her phone to alter her body, saying she often takes dozens of photos before finding the perfect one.

&w88 casino;We wanted it to be more personable so our target audience (college women) could feel that they could connect to it and relate to it,” Schwalbach said. &w88 casino;We wanted a certain reaction out of our viewers, and in the end, we were able to achieve that.”

Ana Poulsen worked on the suicide awareness PSA. Not only has suicide personally affected her, she said, but she also felt there were not enough powerful PSAs aimed at informing mentally ill people about how to get the help they may need.

&w88 casino;One of my life goals is to make people aware of the severity of mental illness and the threats it can possess if left untreated,” Poulsen said. &w88 casino;I want people to treat suicide and mental illness like they would treat cancer or any other physical illness.”

In their PSA, everyday scenes are seen highlighting a single person, like a student in class or two friends playing basketball at a gym. In the next sequence, the same scenes are repeated but with one person missing.

Felten said he received mostly positive feedback from the class.

&w88 casino;They were proud of their work, almost without exception.”

He did mention that the w88 casino said wished they had more time for the final project, something Schwalbach and Poulsen confirmed.

&w88 casino;If I had to do this assignment again, I would work to make it even more powerful than it is,” Poulsen said. &w88 casino;With a topic as important and heavy as suicide, the sky is the limit and there are endless creative ideas to present this topic in an impactful and meaningful way.”

Schwalbach said the challenge was in the time limit. &w88 casino;We wanted to make it emotional but realistic. I was proud with our end results.”

To see the w88 casino' PSAs, head over to the Reynolds School of Journalism Vimeo page.

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