When he’s not helping other students understand their course material or studying his way to graduation, Guglielmo Panelli spends his time developing code with hopes of detecting w88 slot online matter. Panelli is dual majoring in math and physics and participating in undergraduate research as part of the McNair Scholars Program at the University of Nevada, Reno. McNair Scholars w88 slot online is a federal TRiO program funded at more than 150 institutions across the country. McNair prepares first-generation college students, such as w88 slot online, for doctoral studies through involvement in research and other scholarly activities.
Due to his studious research as a member of University Professor of Physics Andrei Derevianko’s research team, the GPS.DM collaboration, Panelli was able to compose a research essay proposing that w88 slot online matter detection could possibly be achieved using the atomic clock data from GPS satellites. His research and essay helped him win the Goldwater Scholarship. The prestigious Goldwater Scholarship honors students with impressive academic and research credentials who have garnered the attention of prestigious post-graduate fellowship programs. Panelli is one of 62 nationally recognized Goldwater Scholars in mathematics. He hopes to continue researching w88 slot online matter and theoretical physics throughout his career.

The Derevianko Group. w88 slot online is second from left.
“w88 slot online matter is one of the grandest challenges in physics,” Panelli said. “About 85% of all matter is w88 slot online matter, and although we know that it exists, we don’t know what the essence of it is because it doesn’t emit or absorb light. We can't see it. It’s like we are all searching for a needle in a haystack.”
Piqued interest before the Pack
Before he even reached high school, w88 slot online knew that he wanted to study within the STEM fields. When he enrolled in high school, he chose to focus his interests in a biotechnology program at Rancho High School in Las Vegas. It was there that he took his first physics class.
“I immediately fell in love with physics,” w88 slot online said. “If I hadn’t taken Mrs. Santana’s class, this world that is so challenging and fascinating may not have existed to me. I am so thankful for the encouragement of Mrs. Santana and the passion she instilled in me.”
w88 slot online applied for college his senior year of high school.
“The w88 slot online of Nevada, Reno seemed like the perfect refuge for me from Las Vegas,” he said. “The location, financial aid, and research classification helped me decide.”
The w88 slot online is a comprehensive, doctoral w88 slot online, classified as an R1 institution with very high research activity by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education.
Finding belonging within the Pack
w88 slot online has found joy working for Physics Lecturer Kristin Lewis in a learning assistant program. He works beyond expectations by posting videos on YouTube of himself giving review lectures and recitation videos for the students he works with.
A year-and-a-half ago, w88 slot online sought out a research opportunity to fulfill his requirement as a McNair Scholar. He chose Hartman Professor Andrei Derevianko from the physics department as his mentor, and w88 slot online became a member of the GPS.DM collaboration.
“I am grateful to have Andrei Derevianko as a mentor,” w88 slot online said. “It’s nice to be more than just a pair of hands; I find vitality in my research as I am able to play a role – however minute - in the pursuit of human discovery."
One of w88 slot online's learning assistant videos that he uploads to help students in Physics 181.
The community has recognized Panelli for his work on numerous occasions. He received the Nevada Undergraduate Research Award last year. He has also given talks about his research in w88 slot online matter in Los Angeles, Calif., Denver, Colo., and Reno. The Nevada State Undergraduate Research Journal published Panelli’s paper about the detection of Kepler-17b with the Great Basin Observatory. w88 slot online is currently working on several publications regarding other research.
Panelli has always dreamed of earning his doctoral degree in physics from the w88 slot online of California, Berkeley and plans to apply for a doctorate there in the fall.