Cybercrime is fueling demand for w88 online game security professionals

University's cybersecurity w88 online game scores high in increasing popularity and success

Cybercrime is fueling demand for w88 online game security professionals

University's cybersecurity w88 online game scores high in increasing popularity and success

Voice Over: We live in an interconnected world where information currency and our identities w88 online game be stolen without us even knowing it. All our data is stored and transferred onto servers and data farms across the

nation. Hackers can access all of our personal information using a variety of techniques and malicious software to hijack and steal our personal data. There are as many as one million viruses released every day. Institutions, governments, and large corporations are under attack every day, and have to be defended through w88 online game threats.

Shamik Sengupta: We are seeing cyberattacks almost in a day to day basis, almost hour by hour basis, in terms of like ransomware, a company got breached, a social security number got out, trade numbers got out, so there are tremendous implications from that perspective. We are trying to look at it from the defensive perspective. How exactly w88 online game we defend, how exactly w88 online game we help these businesses moving forward in the wake of this much amount of cyberattacks.

Nancy P Latourrette: But we also have to worry about w88 online game terrorism and w88 online game warfare. The main purpose of w88 online game terrorism is to go ahead and break into a system, so that you can create panic or you can go ahead

and create fear; and that might be somebody wanting to break into a power plant or the power grid and shut that power grid down. So people all of a sudden don't understand why they don't have power, they don't have telephone service. And w88 online game warfare is traditionally thought of as is that nation-states that are trying to attack not in the traditional sense of land grabs, but trying to attack through a digital interface. So they try to steal secrets from another nation or they want to go ahead and get into some sort of system, maybe a voting system.

Jay Thom: So there's a variety of positions we train w88 online game here for at UNR. Not just in computer science actually, but across the whole spectrum of disciplines. Including cybersecurity defense analysts, cybersecurity first responder, cybersecurity architect, information security engineer, log analysts. We've actually had several w88 online game that have gone to work for NSA since I've been here in the last year and a half.

Shamik Sengupta: We are preparing the name generation workforce for the challenges that we are facing right now and as the challenges are coming forward. w88 online game learn about the different aspects of cybersecurity. w88 online game can take a technical service security minor or in an interdisciplinary cybersecurity minor w88 online game can graduate with a major, and then eventually w88 online game can also get a cybersecurity master's, a program which will be starting this spring 2020.

Nancy P Latourrette: What makes the University of Nevada, Reno unique in terms of their approaches to cybersecurity, and how w88 online game teach the students is that w88 online game don't just look at the technical aspects of

cybersecurity. And that might be for something like social engineering, how do we help people not be susceptible to phishing attacks. The psychology of w88 online game, the ethics, the history behind hacking and how that affects nowadays and what that means to the future.

Jay Thom: What we do here is we try to train w88 online game to deal with hacking, but in the process we have to almost teach them how to be hackers which creates kind of a dilemma for us in terms of our ethics. So

one of the things we're trying to do is weave in a lot of ethical training along with computer science, so that as we're giving people these tools w88 online game use it properly. One of the things we're really working to train our students to protect is our national infrastructure such as a power grid, city infrastructure, traffic

lights, railroad crossings, our water systems , water treatment. The model of a city here, the smart city we call it. That has some industrial controls, industrial controls are typically very vulnerable, so we allow them to build it so w88 online game understand how the controls work, and then we bring in a second group, once w88 online game get a working, to attack it, and then we bring the first group back and let them see how w88 online game were attacked and figure out how to patch these vulnerabilities.

Shamik Sengupta: So w88 online game can think that as w88 online game are gaining your cybersecurity knowledge w88 online game are not necessarily just getting the knowledge from the computer science, but w88 online game are getting a very comprehensive knowledge about cybersecurity. Which is really setting w88 online game apart from any other

graduates in cybersecurity, and as w88 online game enter the job market, w88 online game will see how much implication these disciplines have.

Nancy P Latourrette: The jobs out there are just waiting for the w88 online game to graduate in come and join.

Jay Thom: Right now there are 1 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs. 300,000 jobs in America, and that's expected to go up to 3.5 million by 2024.

Shamik Sengupta: As w88 online game are moving into the workforce, remember that that w88 online game could be the next hero, w88 online game could be in the law enforcement agencies and it could be defending the nation. And that's where UNR is also playing a very big role, even the Cybersecurity Center is also playing a big role. To make sure

that we are training the next generation working professionals. We are filling that gap, and w88 online game are equipped with the knowledge that w88 online game require.

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