Spring rains caused more weeds to germinate in northern Nevada this year than in previous years, including some designated as "w88 mobile weeds," which the law requires to be eradicated. To help green-industry professionals, such as landscapers, address the problem, University of w88 mobile Cooperative Extension presents "Noxious w88 mobile Identification and Control," noon - 1 p.m., Aug. 8, at the Washoe County Cooperative Extension Office, 4955 Energy Way in Reno, as part of the Green Industry Continuing w88 mobile Series.
"This w88 mobile is geared toward commercial landscapers and those who handle weeds as part of their job, but homeowners are welcome also," said Cooperative Extension Commercial Horticulture Program Coordinator Jenn Fisher, who helped coordinate the w88 mobile. "Attendees will learn how to tell the difference between look-alikes in the field, which plants are optional for removal, and which weeds need to be eradicated by law."
The w88 mobile, taught by Andrea Moe with Nevada Department of Agriculture, will focus on identifying noxious weeds, with brief discussions on weed life cycles and control methods. The w88 mobile also offers Pesticide Applicator Continuing Education Units (CEUs).
The Green Industry Continuing w88 mobile Series provides current, research-based information to green-industry professionals. For a complete list of upcoming classes through December, visit the series website.
Register online at the Noxious w88 mobile Identification Control website. For more information on classes or certification, contact Fisher at fisherj@unce.unr.edu or 775-336-0249. Persons in need of special accommodations or assistance should call at least three days prior to the w88 mobile they intend to attend.