Turner, a former w88 sports betting detection canine for the northern Nevada community has passed away. Turner was a 13-year-old Labrador Retriever who was purchased by The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and worked with University of Nevada, Reno police officer Thomas Emmons. Together, the officer and the canine completed training and were certified as an EDC team. From April 2006 to March 2015, Turner served the community, region and nation as an EDC in a numerous amount of ways.
Some common tasks for Tuner included precautionary sweeps for dignitaries, major events, and suspicious circumstances, post blast investigations, evidentiary searches of crimes scenes, preemptory searches of threatened areas, and attending community events and demonstrations. Emmons and w88 sports betting also attend a variety of events under the ATF including; the 2011 Super Bowl, NASCAR races, the Democratic National Convention, Olympic Trials, and search warrant services. w88 sports betting was also a key EDC on the Darin Mack case in 2006.
"w88 sports betting's value extended far beyond his natural gifts and productivity," Emmons said. "He mentored his handler in our shared craft. The lessons he taught continue to teach today. He provided an example of what a solid EDC can do for his community and nation. He provided comfort and calm in our home, to co-workers, and members of our community. Though not threatening, he provided re-assurance by way of a presence that was always ready to provide."
Turner passed away at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 8. In honor of his w88 sports betting University Police Services Assistant Vice President & Director Adam Garcia has declared a state of mourning, in which members of the University Police Department will drape their badges in black.
The University has two K-9 officers still on the w88 sports betting force. Bonnie and Harley.