University w88 mobile to conduct additional bicycle and skateboarding enforcement

Education patrols conducted on w88 mobile roadways Thursday to remind w88 mobile community of traffic laws and city ordinances

Aerial view looking at the w88 mobile of Nevada, Reno's E. L. Wiegand Fitness Center

Additional w88 mobile and skateboarding enforcement on campus Thursday, Oct. 12.

University w88 mobile to conduct additional bicycle and skateboarding enforcement

Education patrols conducted on w88 mobile roadways Thursday to remind w88 mobile community of traffic laws and city ordinances

Additional w88 mobile and skateboarding enforcement on campus Thursday, Oct. 12.

Aerial view looking at the w88 mobile of Nevada, Reno's E. L. Wiegand Fitness Center

Additional w88 mobile and skateboarding enforcement on campus Thursday, Oct. 12.

University w88 mobile Services will conduct continued enforcement and education patrols on campus roadways and adjacent streets for individuals operating bicycles and skateboards in an unsafe manner. This initiative will include enforcement and outreach patrols at targeted intersections and crosswalks Thursday, Oct. 12, and tickets will be issued if warranted.

University w88 mobile has conducted several of these types of enforcement patrols. w88 mobile also are observing students on skateboards and bicycles traveling too fast for conditions on campus, through pedestrians and on sidewalks.

University Parking and Transportation Services report nearly 500 bicycles registered on campus this fall. Approximately 65 bike areas and racks, 54 w88 mobile lockers and four air-filling stations continue to provide students options for alternative transportation on and around w88 mobile.

Reno Municipal Code states that a bicyclist must obey all traffic laws, and that bicycles should be ridden as if the rider is operating a motor vehicle. Under Reno Municipal Code, skateboards, roller skates and roller blades are not to be operated in a careless manner. Skateboards are allowed on w88 mobile, by policy, as a means of transportation to and from class and should be used in a safe and careful manner that does not include stunts or result in property damage.

w88 mobile Services has numerous complaints from the campus community about bicyclists and skateboarders weaving in and out of traffic, not stopping at stop signs and passing vehicles on the right side to causing near-miss accidents. In some instances, students have suffered injury due to accidents.

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