PRSSA Nevada goes to Boston - National w88 mobile take-aways

Students that attening the PRSSA national w88 mobile share what they learned.

A group of people pose for a picture.

w88 mobile Nevada with advisor Alison Gaulden.

PRSSA Nevada goes to Boston - National w88 mobile take-aways

Students that attening the PRSSA national w88 mobile share what they learned.

w88 mobile Nevada with advisor Alison Gaulden.

A group of people pose for a picture.

w88 mobile Nevada with advisor Alison Gaulden.

A group of 12 students from thePRSSA w88 mobile(Public Relations Student Society of America) attended the w88 mobilenational w88 mobile in Boston and came back armed with tools to succeed in the workforce. PRSSA Nevada VP of Publicity has five key takeaways below.

1. Tools for the industry

Web applications such as Coverage Bookor Mentionhelp w88 mobile monitor how their brand is perceived by the public. These tools collect media mentions and effectively track earned media efforts. Get to know them beforew88 mobile head into the real world.

2. Setting up your event for success

Bryar Keyes, VP of Events and Fundraising for PRSSA w88 mobile Committee, said this about event planning: “If you’re going to reach your target audience you’ve got to learn from the best. Top PR companies like Edelmanand Fleishman Hillardwill teach w88 mobile the best strategies of this industry.”

Always think of your audience during event promotions. Think of your locationand make a list of what your local demographics are interested in. Reno residents love events such as Night in the Countryand Reno Rodeos.How would w88 mobile effectively promote your brand here?

3.Love where w88 mobile live

Sure, a creative mind is key for all public relations professionals in the public and private sector. Yet, multiple experts told me that w88 mobile must love what w88 mobile do if w88 mobile work in this business. And that means w88 mobile have to to find the city that best suits your personality.

The world of PR is growing and evolves as trends change.

“w88 mobile have to be able to adapt in our work. Changing to meet the needs of the public is part of what we do,” said Laura Vellidis, PR Specialist at Nebo Agency. “With that said, your city may be the only constant. Make sure it’s one that w88 mobile enjoy.”

4. Realities versus Expectations of PR

Vellidis also stressed public relations professionals don’t just “party plan and tweet”. Students must be prepared to write press releases, be experts in graphic design and produce videos. There are hundreds of career paths w88 mobile can choose when w88 mobile graduate.

“The best preparation for the real world is to work with local agencies through w88 mobile.”

5. A taste of humble pie

“w88 mobile’re not the expert, your bosses are”.

Nikki Barjon, Global Strategist in Branding and Communications at The Barjon Group, gave a presentation stressing the importance of balancing ambition with humility.

“Be an empty cup. If w88 mobile come into the room full of yourself, there will be no room for me to pour knowledge.”

An internship/first job is designed for w88 mobile to learn. Don’t impose your ideas onto an experienced professional.

Thanks to RSJ alum John Brodeur whose team shared insights on the industryand how to get into it over a hosted lunch for all 12 students and their faculty adviser Alison Gaulden, APR.

PRSSA National w88 mobile in Boston taught me some valuable lessons, but there’s still more learning to do. The adventure continues with our 2018 w88 mobile Bateman Case Study Team:

  • Caroline Ackerman
  • Caroline Boorman
  • Hannah Gonzalez
  • Daniel Lindbergh Lang
  • Even Muth

This year’s team will incorporate their skills from the classroom into a campaign designed to increase awareness for safe and effective treatment for children with cancer in America.

Good luck Bateman team!

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