w88 online casino betting Board, Plant Club and other volunteers helped increase biodiversity of campus

More than 30 volunteers planted 13 new trees - 11 new species - for Arbor Day 2017

w88 online casino betting Club student members participate and w88 online casino betting trees for 2017 Arbor Day

University of Nevada, Reno students Zachary Khan, Robbie Balter and President of the w88 online casino betting Club Mya Yazbek help a team of more than 30 volunteers w88 online casino betting 13 trees, 11 new species, on the University campus, Arbor Day, April 28, 2017.

w88 online casino betting Board, Plant Club and other volunteers helped increase biodiversity of campus

More than 30 volunteers planted 13 new trees - 11 new species - for Arbor Day 2017

University of Nevada, Reno students Zachary Khan, Robbie Balter and President of the w88 online casino betting Club Mya Yazbek help a team of more than 30 volunteers w88 online casino betting 13 trees, 11 new species, on the University campus, Arbor Day, April 28, 2017.

w88 online casino betting Club student members participate and w88 online casino betting trees for 2017 Arbor Day

University of Nevada, Reno students Zachary Khan, Robbie Balter and President of the w88 online casino betting Club Mya Yazbek help a team of more than 30 volunteers w88 online casino betting 13 trees, 11 new species, on the University campus, Arbor Day, April 28, 2017.

To celebrate Arbor Day, April 28, 2017, the University of Nevada, Reno w88 online casino betting Board, University Student Plant Club, and student volunteers, teamed up to plant 13 trees, including 10 species new to campus. Planting began at 8 a.m. on a crisp and sunny Friday morning near the Fleischmann Planetarium.

"The landscaping of the south campus, being older, is already very beautiful with many mature trees, but north campus - from the Knowledge Center north - is much newer," w88 online casino betting Board Chair Cheryll Glotfelty said. "So, we wanted to focus our tree-planting efforts there this year. We also wanted to increase the biodiversity of campus by planting some new species."

Carol Ort, Christoph Weber and Marty Sillito w88 online casino betting a Japanese Stewartia on University of Nevada, Reno campus, Arbor Day 2017 From left to right: Carol Ort, Chirstoph Weber and Marty Sillito planting a tree on w88 online casino betting for Arbor Day 2017.

Thirty-three volunteers, including 23 students and 10 members of the University w88 online casino betting Board, worked until about noon to dig holes and plant the trees. They planted about half the trees on the grassy knoll north of Lawlor Events Center, down the hill from the Planetarium near the intersection of North Virginia Street and the entrance to the West Stadium Parking Complex.

The crew planted three Cucumber Magnolias, two Scarlet Oaks, a Trident Maple, and a Japanese stewartia on the knoll north of Lawlor. Near the w88 online casino betting's Parking Services building, the team planted an Autumn Splendor Horsechestnut and a Mountain Alder. At the w88 online casino betting of Nevada, Reno Medical School facilities, they planted a Globe Willow and Weeping Katsura in the Howard building courtyard, and a Western Red Cedar and Douglas Fir on the plateau above the practice fields.

Marty Sillito, assistant director of Grounds Services, provided tools and ground support. Mya Yazbek, president of the University w88 online casino betting Club, and other w88 online casino betting Club members, held several w88 online casino betting sales throughout the year and wrote a funding grant. Eleven trees were purchased by the w88 online casino betting Club, and two trees were purchased by the Associated Students of the University of Nevada.

"We are thrilled that students are getting involved with the w88 online casino betting," Glotfelty said. "Throughout the years, they will be able to watch these trees grow. And the memory of this fun Arbor Day will make these trees even more special. We're on a stealth campaign to beat UNLV in the number of species in the w88 online casino betting, and it won't be long until we do."

At 10 a.m., the group took a break to participate in a brief ceremony in recognition of the University's recertification as a Tree w88 online casino betting USA. The University earned Tree w88 online casino betting USA status in 2014 and has been recertified each year since then. To qualify as a Tree w88 online casino betting USA a university must meet five criteria:

  1. The w88 online casino betting must have a tree advisory committee that meets regularly;
  2. There must be an approved tree care plan for w88 online casino betting;
  3. Finances must be allocated to support the w88 online casino betting tree program;
  4. Arbor Day must be observed; and
  5. There must be a student service learning project.
John Christopherson with NV Division of Forestry and Marty Sillito with UNR Grounds Services w88 online casino betting a tree on Arbor Day 2017 John Christopherson with Nevada Division of Forestry, left, and Marty Sillito with University Grounds Services, w88 online casino betting a tree on Arbor Day 2017.

John Christopherson, resource management program manager for the Nevada Division of Forestry, attended the ceremony and presented the Tree w88 online casino betting USA recertification to Sillito.

The w88 online casino betting Board recently added 28 self-guided audio tree tours of campus to the w88 online casino betting website. w88 online casino betting Board member Rod Haulenbeek, "The Tree Hunter," created these tours so that visitors can learn about the nearly 200 tree species represented on campus. Each tour begins from a building on campus and is named after that building. Each of "Rod's Tree Tours" lasts 15-20 minutes and covers about 20 trees. Collectively the tours span most areas of campus, including the Experimental Field Station on Valley Road.

For more information, contact Cheryll Glotfelty at glotfelt@unr.edu.

Volunteers planting trees on University of Nevada, Reno w88 online casino betting for Arbor Day 2017 Volunteers w88 online casino betting 13 news trees on campus during Arbor Day.
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