School of Medicine’s Class of 2017 learns w88 match results

1/3 of class will enter primary care

2017 UNR Medical School Match Day

Amanda Hartman and Charlie Jose celebrate their matches into family w88 at the University of Montana at Missoula. Photo by Anne McMillin, APR.

School of Medicine’s Class of 2017 learns w88 match results

1/3 of class will enter primary care

Amanda Hartman and Charlie Jose celebrate their matches into family w88 at the University of Montana at Missoula. Photo by Anne McMillin, APR.

2017 UNR Medical School Match Day

Amanda Hartman and Charlie Jose celebrate their matches into family w88 at the University of Montana at Missoula. Photo by Anne McMillin, APR.

The ballroom of the Joe Crowley Student Union was transformed into the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Friday, March 17, as medical students from University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine, under floating candlelight, opened their golden snitches to learn their w88 matches.

University Med students continued their tradition of placing in some of the nation's most competitive w88 programs today upon learning the results of the National Resident Matching Program.

Sixty-one students matched with w88 institutions in Nevada and across the nation and will enter specialties ranging from anesthesiology to otolaryngology. The Class of 2017's top specialty choices were internal medicine, psychiatry and general surgery.

The education and training students receive here prepare them well to compete for w88 positions across the U.S. I am particularly pleased to see so many of our students pursuing primary care and choosing to stay in Nevada," said Cherie Singer, Ph.D., associate dean of admissions and student affairs.

2017 Match Day On left, Danielle Hayes matched into general surgery at Swedish Medical Center in Washington, while her classmate, Sarah Robertson, will enter the internal medicine w88 at UNR Med in Reno. Photo by Anne McMillin.

Of note, 22 School of w88 graduates, or 36 percent, will enter primary care specialties including internal w88, pediatrics and family w88. A shortage of primary care physicians exists nationwide, and especially in Nevada.

Twenty-one students, or 34 percent of the Class of 2017 will remain in Nevada to complete their w88 training at programs currently offered by UNR Med. Those w88 training programs transfer to the new UNLV School of Medicine this July.

w88 training location is a strong indication of where physicians will likely set up their medical practices following completion of w88 and has strong implications for the future availability of health care professionals in a given area.

The National Resident Matching Program is a private, not-for-profit corporation that provides an impartial venue for matching applicants' and programs' preferences for each other by reviewing their individualized rank order lists.

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