Three of the craziest w88 online casino betting Fish caught in 2015 featured on Nat Geo WILD

Zeb Hogan, University of Nevada, Reno biologist hosts new season of popular w88 online casino betting Fish series

Zeb Hogan with w88 online casino betting Fish

The Jau, or gilded catfish, which grows to be one of the biggest catfish in the world and one of the three largest in South America, is one of four large freshwater fish featured in this year’s w88 online casino betting Fish show on Nat Geo WILD. Photo courtesy of Zeb Hogan.

Three of the craziest w88 online casino betting Fish caught in 2015 featured on Nat Geo WILD

Zeb Hogan, University of Nevada, Reno biologist hosts new season of popular w88 online casino betting Fish series

The Jau, or gilded catfish, which grows to be one of the biggest catfish in the world and one of the three largest in South America, is one of four large freshwater fish featured in this year’s w88 online casino betting Fish show on Nat Geo WILD. Photo courtesy of Zeb Hogan.

Zeb Hogan with w88 online casino betting Fish

The Jau, or gilded catfish, which grows to be one of the biggest catfish in the world and one of the three largest in South America, is one of four large freshwater fish featured in this year’s w88 online casino betting Fish show on Nat Geo WILD. Photo courtesy of Zeb Hogan.

w88 online casino betting that eat pigeons, huge groupers that eat sharks and saber-toothed Payara that spear their prey with six-inch long fangs are featured this year in the Nat Geo Wild's w88 online casino betting Fish show starring Zeb Hogan, a w88 online casino betting of Nevada, Reno ecology biologist and research assistant professor.

"Pound for pound, we found some of the largest freshwater w88 online casino betting ever, in all of our years of filming - and many are the largest freshwater w88 online casino betting seen anywhere in 2015," Hogan said.

Hogan travels the globe to find, study and protect the world's largest freshwater w88 online casino betting. He chronicles his travels on Nat Geo WILD's popular series w88 online casino betting Fish. The new season features four new freshwater giants, all unusual, and three "with some w88 online casino betting craziest attributes we've seen."

  • "I hear stories of Goliath Grouper attacking divers and even eating sharks," Hogan said. "We found a 300-pound Goliath with a shark bite in its side - not sure what the shark looked like." Hogan traveled to Florida to examine the conservation status of Goliath Grouper and the current debate about their protection. He heads out to tag and release grouper with local scientists and to w88 online casino betting for them with a local angler and volunteer "citizen scientist." The Goliath show airs at 9 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 22.
  • w88 online casino betting investigates stories of Argentina's very large Short-Tailed River Stingray. "Very few large specimens have been seen," he said. "We were fortunate to find, after two weeks on the Parana River fishing with locals, several rays - one of which was the largest seen in the area in 2015, weighing 400 pounds." The show airs at 9 p.m., Friday, Jan. 29.
  • "You don't believe until you see it, a w88 online casino betting coming up on shore to attack pigeons," Hogan said. "I traveled to France to investigate these stories of the invasive Wels catfish beaching themselves to feed on pigeons. I met up with local scientists to observe this unusual behavior, and sure enough, the w88 online casino betting sneak up on the pigeons and slide up onto shore to attack." The show includes slow motion footage of giant catfish attacking pigeons, as well as underwater footage, and video of some of the largest Wels caught in France in 2015, including an 8-foot-long. The "Giant Killer Catfish" episode airs Friday, Feb. 5 at 9 p.m.
  • "We found the Payara just below the Corona Falls on the Rewa River in Guyana," he said. "It's on the small side for megafish, at 40 pounds and 4 feet long, but is unusual as a predator with its huge fangs. It hunts by spearing w88 online casino betting with its long, pointy teeth." In the show, Hogan explores why the w88 online casino betting looks the way it does, and how effective a predator it is, competing with piranha, giant catfish and electric eel. The show, which was the season premiere, can be viewed online on the Nat Geo WILD website.

Hogan's adventures in 2015 also took him to Cambodia where he helped tag and release a rare 7-foot Mekong Catfish, he caught and released a 100-pound Redtail Catfish and in Guyana he found a w88 online casino betting that he's been hunting for 15 years.

"It may not be the biggest w88 online casino betting I ever found, but when I was in Guyana in the Rewa River, we caught a 110-pound Jau, or gilded catfish, which grows to be one of the biggest catfish in the world and one of the three largest in South America" Hogan said. "This is a w88 online casino betting I'd never seen before; it's been on my bucket list for 15 years. I've studied catfish all over the world and this is the first time I've seen a big Jau catfish in the wild."

The National Geographic Society has supported Hogan's work since 2002, including the w88 online casino betting Fish project for the past 10 years. Last year National Geographic debuted a traveling museum exhibition, w88 online casino betting Fish: In Search of the Last River Giants, at w88 online casino betting Museum in Washington, D.C.

The exhibition is now in Reno, for which the w88 online casino betting of Nevada, Reno is the Educational Partner, through April, 2016, at the Terry Lee Wells Nevada Discovery Museum. w88 online casino betting takes visitors on a journey to river basins worldwide to learn about the awe-inspiring w88 online casino betting and the cultures and places that depend on them. The exhibition profiles the extraordinary biology and behaviors of these giants.

Hogan has been on faculty at the w88 online casino betting of Nevada, Reno since 2006, is a research assistant professor in the w88 online casino betting's College of Science and a member of the Aquatic Ecosystems Analysis Laboratory in the Department of Biology. He is a National Geographic Explorer and was named a National Geographic Fellow in 2011. He was a visiting Fulbright Scholar at the Environmental Risk Assessment Program at Thailand's Chiang Mai University, has served as a World Wildlife Fund senior freshwater fellow and is the Councilor for w88 online casino betting in the United Nations Convention on Migratory Species.

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