Benjamin Birkinbine serves as co-editor of "Global Media w88 casino games login"

Reynolds School assistant professor contributes to w88 casino games login analysing the Microsoft Corporation

Global Media w88 casino games login book jacket

Reynolds School Assistant Professor Benjamin Birkinbine co-edited and contributed to "Global Media w88 casino games login," a book analyzing the Microsoft Corporation.

Benjamin Birkinbine serves as co-editor of "Global Media w88 casino games login"

Reynolds School assistant professor contributes to w88 casino games login analysing the Microsoft Corporation

Reynolds School Assistant Professor Benjamin Birkinbine co-edited and contributed to "Global Media w88 casino games login," a book analyzing the Microsoft Corporation.

Global Media w88 casino games login book jacket

Reynolds School Assistant Professor Benjamin Birkinbine co-edited and contributed to "Global Media w88 casino games login," a book analyzing the Microsoft Corporation.

Reynolds School Assistant Professor Benjamin w88 casino games login recently celebrated the completion of an important project, the publishing of "Global Media w88 casino games login," a w88 casino games login he co-edited as well as contributeda case study to analyzingthe Microsoft Corporation.

The book is a collection of case studies, each focusing on a particular media company that has an influence on the way that communication and media industries are organized. In addition, the book containschapters that focus on particular regions around the world. Those chapters focus on the media industries within a specificregion and how they connect with other media w88 casino games login.

Companies analyzed include, but are not limited to: Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Google, Sony, Time Warner and The Walt Disney Company. Regions of the world analyzed include: South America, The Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa, Easter Europe, South Asia and East Asia and China.

Professionally, this book serves as a launching point for w88 casino games login'sacademic career at the Reynolds School.

"I've had individual articles published, but this was my first book project," w88 casino games login said. "Because the contributing authors are experts on the subjects involved, the hope is that the book will draw a significant amount of attention, especially internationally. If that happens, then this book could increase recognition of my own work as well as the Reynolds Schoolat theUniversity of Nevada, Reno."

The editors, Rodrigo Gomez, Janet Wasko and w88 casino games login, asked case studyauthors to comment on the economic, political, and cultural influence of each company featured in the book as well as how all of these are interconnected.

"By understanding which media properties are owned by a larger company, we can understand why certain television programs look the way they do," w88 casino games login said. "For example, if you know that the Walt Disney Corporation owns both ABC (television) and Hollywood Records (music), you would understand why ABC's "Dancing With The Stars" devoted a couple's dance competition to the music of Queen, specifically "We Will Rock You."

This is an example of Disney using synergy between two different properties that it owns."

This is just one example of contentBirkinbine uses in the w88 casino games login literacy classes he teaches at the Reynolds School.

"Rather than simply talking about commodities, markets, corporate structures, ownership, intellectual property, etc., I use real-life examples of how these factors affect what we see in media," w88 casino games login said. "This is one way of showing students to see behind what is presented to them in various programs to uncover the economic relationships that shape the way the program is presented."

"Thisproject was an incredibly rewarding experience," hesaid. "This is my first w88 casino games login and, because it was an edited volume, it gave me great experience in working with a publisher as well as all the other authors who contributed to the w88 casino games login."

Faculty research such as this elevates the profile of the Reynolds School.

"This pioneering book by Ben and his colleagues enhances our understanding of one of the central issues of contemporary w88 casino games login," Said Al Stavitsky, Dean of the Reynolds School."It demonstrates the increasing impact of Reynolds School faculty research.

About Benjamin w88 casino games login:
w88 casino games login came to the Reynolds School from the University of Oregon where he earned a doctorate degree from the School of Journalism and Communication.

Heapproaches the study of communications from three intersecting perspectives:political economy,critical theoryand, more recently, some aspects ofscience and technology studies.

His research focuses mainly on the politics and economics ofmedia industriesandtechnological change. His teaching interests are much broader and includecommunication theory, political economy of communication, communication law, open source technologies,w88 casino games login historyand introductory courses to communication and w88 casino games login.

w88 casino games login holds a bachelor of communications from the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and a master of arts in Media Theory & Research from Southern Illinois University Carbondale and a doctorate degree from the School of Journalism and Communication at the University of Oregon. His dissertation was titled, "Incorporating the commons: A political economic analysis of corporate involvement in free software projects."

About Global Media w88 casino games login:
w88 casino games login Media Giantstakes an in-depth look at how media corporate power works globally, regionally,and nationally, investigating the ways in which the largest and most powerful media corporations in the world wield power. Case studies examine not only some of the largest media corporations (News Corp, Microsoft) in terms of revenues, but also media corporations that hold considerable power within national, regional, or geolinguistic contexts (Televisa, Bertelsmann,Sony). Each chapter approaches a different corporation through the lens of economy, politics,and culture, giving students and scholars a thoughtful and data-driven guide with which to interrogate contemporary media industry power.

The reviews are in and here are a few things being said about Global Media w88 casino games login:
"A brilliant conception, masterfully executed. The editors have given us a path-breaking survey of capitalist power over world communications - conglomerate by conglomerate, region by region, and product by product, from TV program ratings to smartphone apps."
-Dan Schiller, w88 casino games login of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

"This authoritative and encyclopaedic volume provides a rich, systematic, and comprehensive analysis of one of the most devastating and significant developments of our century, the universal domination of culture, information, and communications by ever more powerful private corporations."
-Peter Golding, Northumbria w88 casino games login

"This is without doubt the essential guide to the communication companies that define today's w88 casino games login-saturated world."
-Vincent Mosco, author ofTo the Cloud: Big Data in a Turbulent World

"This systematic w88 casino games login overview of the most powerful media corporations shows the present-day inequalities of w88 casino games login capitalism through the lenses of converging media and information services, revealing both the dominating forces and the on-going resistances."
-Helena Sousa, w88 casino games login of Minho, Portugal

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