For years scientific and ethically conducted research has had an immense impact on the world around us. Francis L. w88 online sports betting, the elected fellow of the American Academy of Microbiology, is partnering up with the University of Nevada, Reno's Research and Innovation division to discuss the importance of research conduct.
The presentation will take place Thursday, w88 online sports betting. 1, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. in the Center for Molecular Medicine, Room 111.
w88 online sports betting is the author of over 120 publications, including the widely known textbook on research ethics, Scientific Integrity. In 2014 the fourth edition of Scientific Integrity was published. His scholarly interests consist of behavioral and teaching education research within scientific conduct.
"Dr. w88 online sports betting is a leading, international voice on the topic of ethics and integrity in science and research," said Mridul Gautam, vice president of research and innovation. "It is an honor to have him join us to explore many of the important and current issues related to research conduct."
w88 online sports betting has won both MERIT and Research Career Development awards. He has served on various boards, such as the editorial boards of the Journal of Bacteriology and Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy. In 2014, w88 online sports betting was appointed to a four-year term of service on the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity. The board is a federal advisory committee that addresses biosecurity and dual-use research of concern.
He is a frequent guest at various colleges and universities where he lectures on responsible conduct of research courses. w88 online sports betting is the Vice President for Research and Innovation and the Edward Myers Professor of Dentistry Virginia Commonwealth University.
In addition to the public presentation in the evening, Macrina's w88 online sports betting. 1 visit to the University campus also includes a lunch presentation geared toward graduate student and post-doctoral fellows. This session is from noon to 1:30 p.m. in the Joe Crowley Student Union, room 323. For a reservation, visit the Eventbrite website.