Winter Weather w88 online game & Campus Closure Information

w88 online game is currently open

Winter Weather w88 online game & Campus Closure Information

w88 online game is currently open

Winter weather w88 online game:University officials remind travelers to exercise abundant caution and use their judgment as they travel to w88 online game, letting the conditions in your area guide your commuting decision.

  • Know the w88 online game terminology used by weather forecasters and regularly check the weather.
  • Plan enough travel time to and from your destination. As is common in the Truckee Meadows, rain can turn into ice and snow, especially during early morning and evening rush hours.
  • Ensure your tires have adequate tread, keep your gas tank at least half-full and ensure your car is ready for w88 online game weather.
  • Stock your car with w88 online game necessities including a windshield scraper, extra hats and mittens, water and snow chains (if you don't have 4-wheel drive).
  • Avoid slips and falls by wearing appropriate footwear.
  • Check the w88 online game homepageand official University social media channels for important University updates or changes to w88 online game operations.
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