As a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and w88 online game doctor,Sheri w88 online gamehas investigated the ethical challenges of w88 online game care that arise during natural catastrophes, epidemics and times of war. Most recently, her work has taken her to a new ground zero, as she spent weeks reporting on the Ebola epidemic from Liberia for theNew York Times.
The Laxalt Distinguished Writer w88 online game events are sponsored by the University of Nevada, Reno, Donald W. Reynolds School of Journalism in partnership with Nevada Humanities, and with generous support from Renown Health Foundation, the John Ben Snow Memorial Trust, University of Nevada School of Medicine, University of Nevada, Reno Department of Philosophy and community contributions.
Through the Robert Laxalt Distinguished Writer w88 online game, theUniversity of Nevada, Reno,Donald W. Reynolds School ofJournalismandw88 online game Humanitieswill recognize w88 online game's journalistic contributions. She will share her experiences at two free, public eventson Monday, Feb. 9. Select books will be available for purchase and signing at both events.
"Sheri w88 online game's reporting on health issues, including her recent work chronicling the Ebola outbreak in Liberia, has been truly remarkable and inspiring," Reynolds School Dean Al Stavitsky said. "We're fortunate to have her join us as this year's Laxalt Distinguished Writer."
During her visit to Nevada, w88 online game will give a talk titled, "Decisions of Life and Death," in theMack Auditoriumat Renown Regional Medical Center located at 1155 Mill St. Doors open at noon with the conversation starting at 12:15 p.m. This event will focus on w88 online game's investigations into health and human welfare and ethical challenges. Medical professionals and community members interested in attending are asked to RSVP by calling 775-982-RSVP (7787) by Feb. 4. Free parking is available in the Mill Street Parking garage.
w88 online game will give a second talk the evening of Feb. 9 titled, "Reporting in an Emergency: The complex trauma narrative in the age of the tweet," at 7 p.m. in the University's Mathewson-IGT Knowledge Center's Wells Fargo Auditorium. Free parking will be available on the fifth floor of the Brian J. Whalen Parking Complex on North Virginia Street, just south of Lawlor Events Center.
w88 online game is the author of the New York Times bestselling book, Five Days at Memorial: Life and Death in a Storm-Ravaged Hospital (Crown, 2013), winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award for nonfiction, the Ridenhour Book Prize, the J. Anthony Lukas Book Prize, the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, the Southern Independent Booksellers Alliance Book Award and the American w88 online game Writers Association w88 online game Book Award.