Campus w88 online sports betting set for Sept. 21

First w88 online sports betting of semester to deal with online education

Campus w88 online sports betting set for Sept. 21

First w88 online sports betting of semester to deal with online education

The first "Campus w88 online sports betting" event of the semester, featuring President Marc Johnson, Provost Kevin Carman and Faculty Senate Chair David Sanders, will be held on Monday, Sept. 21, at 4 p.m., in the Joe Crowley Student Union Great Room, JCSU 403.

The gathering will focus on online education. According to an email to the w88 online sports betting, Sanders, who will serve has moderator, said that, "Online education is at a crossroads at our institution. What should be the next step? What resources are needed? What is the final objective? How does a potential agreement with Pearson help us to meet that objective? How does WGU (Western Governors University) impact what we do?"

If individuals are unable to attend, but would like to bring up a particular topic, those individuals are encouraged to email comments or questions to

Those wishing to keep their identity confidential can do so in the subject line.

Discussion notes from previous w88 online sports betting are available on the Faculty Senate website,

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