University commissions nine second w88 sports betting in the U.S. Army

Graduates are told: 'Do the Right Thing'

University commissions nine second w88 sports betting in the U.S. Army

Graduates are told: 'Do the Right Thing'

The University of Nevada, Reno just commissioned nine senior cadets as Second w88 sports betting into the U.S. Army. ROTC is the major commissioning source for all the branches of the U.S. Military. The commissioning ceremony is the culmination of four years of training for the Cadets. Over the course of their studies they learn to become more than just college graduates, they are leaders capable of solving complex problems in a complex world.For many the commission is more of an achievement than the diploma. They leave this University as leaders in our nation's Army, fully ready to defend the Constitution and the American people. This is what cadets strive for. When cadets contract into ROTC they raise their right hand and take an oath, but when they commission the oath takes meaning.

For the Regular w88 sports betting and the w88 sports betting Reserves, this oath is:

"I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution w88 sports betting United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders w88 sports betting President w88 sports betting United States and the orders w88 sports betting officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

For the National Guard: "I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the State of w88 sports betting against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the Governor of w88 sports betting and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to law and regulations. So help me God."


Brig. General Micheal
Hanifan, Commander w88 sports betting
Nevada w88 sports betting National
Guard, addresses the future
leadersand their families.

The ceremony is composed of three main parts, the pinning w88 sports betting rank by the families of each commissioning cadet, the oath delivered by a senior commissioned officer and the "Silver Dollar" salute, which is a tradition in the Army that newly commissioned Second w88 sports betting present a silver dollar to the first enlisted soldier who salutes them. The coin symbolically acknowledges the receipt of respect due the new rank and position.

This year the cadets were honored with guest speaker Brigadier General Michael Hanifan, the Commander of the Nevada w88 sports betting National Guard. General Hanifan is a 1986 graduate of West Point, who has 10 years of active duty experience and has been activated four times for more than four combined years of active service since 9/11, assigned to various positions as a member of the Nevada National Guard. He has served at every level of leadership in the w88 sports betting, and has graduated from several military educational institutes including: the U.S. w88 sports betting War College, Support Operations, Command and General Staff College.

While the General tried to keep it short, he wanted to make sure the cadets walked away remembering at least a little more than their Silver Dollar Salute and their pinning. He gave them the following five points; they are perhaps worth noting not just for the w88 sports betting but for all graduates and future leaders.


2nd w88 sports betting Michael Colyer
and Allie Harvey read to take
on the responsibilities of an
ever changing w88 sports betting.

1. Over the next two years give 100 percent in everything you do.

2. Build relationships of trust and respect with your Non Commissioned Officers.

3. Take care of "Our" Soldiers and avoid toxic leadership.

4. Listen to your conscience and do the right thing.

5. Study world events.

These honored newly commissioned w88 sports betting, listed below, are heading off to various assignments in the near future. Three are going on active duty, five are going in the Nevada National Guard and one is going into the Army Reserves.

2LT Brian Michael Bullian
w88 sports betting - Medical Detachment
Medical Services Corps

2LT Brandon Tyler Castinado
Active Duty - Ft. Benning, GA

2LT Michael John Colyer
w88 sports betting - 1-221 CAV

2LT Cody Harlan
w88 sports betting

2LT Allie Corinne Harvey
w88 sports betting
Signal Corps

2LT Anthony David LaFleur
w88 sports betting Reserves
Military Intelligence

2LT Robert Jonathon Park
Active Duty - Ft. Wainwright, AK
Chemical Corps

2LT Joed Ruth
w88 sports betting
Field Artillery

2LT Jacob Cole Ziolokowski
Active Duty - Ft. Benning, GA

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