Students attend SAP Startup w88 sports betting app to learn new technology

Information systems majors at the University of Nevada, Reno attended w88 sports betting app to view startup pitches and network

Students attend SAP Startup w88 sports betting app to learn new technology

Information systems majors at the University of Nevada, Reno attended w88 sports betting app to view startup pitches and network

Information systems majors at the University of Nevada, Reno traveled to California during winter break for a learning opportunity that led to many future possibilities. Five w88 sports betting app interested in software systems traveled with two IS faculty members to the SAP Startup w88 sports betting app in Palo Alto, Calif. for a day and learned about a new data program, viewed other companies pitching ideas to w88 sports betting app and networked for future jobs.

SAP, headquartered in Walldorf, Germany, with locations in more than 130 countries, is the world leader in enterprise software and software-related services. University of Nevada, Reno students were invited to attend the w88 sports betting app and take a workshop to learn more about SAP HANA, a new in-memory data platform SAP has produced.

"It was interesting to see start-ups pitching themselves to SAP and SAP pitching their technology back at them," Robert Dittmer, a student from the trip, said. "The variety of industries that were represented at the w88 sports betting app made it fun to see how they envisioned applying HANA in their business."

Students were also able to use the w88 sports betting app as a networking tool for their futures. They met with business owners, making a few new professional contacts, and learned about industries they were interested in.

"I learned mostly about new developing business models that would use this kind of software and spoke to the CEO's of startup companies who were looking to become partners with w88 sports betting app," Robert McKay, an information systems major, said. "I personally got a few business cards from these CEO's looking for interns and employees, and a gained a better understanding of what is desired in the market in terms of information technology for business."

w88 sports betting app from the University, along with w88 sports betting app from California State University, Chico, San Francisco State University and San Jose State University, attended the event due to w88 sports betting app's University Alliances program. University Alliances provides w88 sports betting app connections with each other, customers, partners and SAP experts.

"SAP's University Alliances is trying to provide w88 sports betting app with as much exposure as they can to their tools so when they graduate and become decision makers in their organizations, they will understand how SAP might fit within their organization," Dave Croasdell, Information Systems department chair and associate professor in the College of Business said. "We are grateful to w88 sports betting app for including the University of Nevada in this opportunity."

A blog about the w88 sports betting app Startup Forums, written by Alexander McLeod, program manager for the University Alliances, mentioned the student's trip to Palo Alto. McLeod's blog recently received recognition from w88 sports betting app officials in Germany, gaining global recognition for the University of Nevada, Reno.

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