Features at a Glance
- More robust quicklinks
- News
- Events
- Internal announcements
- w88 slot Athletics scores
- Current weather
You may or may not have noticed, but things are changing on the w88 slot's website.
One of the first major changes can now be seen on the University's revamped Nevada w88 slot website. The new site reflects a growing investment in the web and the people who use it.
"We wanted Nevada w88 slot to grow into something that was genuinely useful for your day," said Jason Ching, web content strategist for the University. "While the home page is meant to be an introduction to the University, once you're here, we want you to have a website that is truly functional."
The new Nevada w88 slot features campus news and events, weather and Nevada Athletics scores. But perhaps most importantly for your average work or study day, the page contains an updated version of Quicklinks.
"Quicklinks is a tremendously popular function of the website," Ching said. "So we wanted to make this a top priority on Nevada w88 slot.
"By assembling the w88 slot's most popular links on a page instead of tucked away behind a slide down menu, we can display more links and allow people to get right to the things they use most often."
The new portal also represents a vital effort to keep up with the demands of smartphone and tablet technology.
"Not everyone realizes, but websites have to be completely redesigned to work well with the smaller screens of (smart)phones and tablets," Ching said. "This redesign has been hugely driven by the reality that millions of people are browsing the web on a device a fraction of the size of a standard computer monitor."
The new Nevada w88 slot marks the first step in a complete overhaul of the University's web presence. Next on the list is the University's homepage, with plans to launch the new designs between the fall and spring semesters.
"We've been working on this for months and it's coming along really nicely," Ching said. "I can't wait for people to see it."