Cooperative w88 mobile helps landscape recovery

w88 mobile Educator offers advice for restoring fire burnt areas

Cooperative w88 mobile helps landscape recovery

w88 mobile Educator offers advice for restoring fire burnt areas

Reno landowners whose properties were affected by last winter’s Caughlin and Washoe fires are carefully watching their yards these days to see what w88 mobile will emerge as survivors of the devastating blazes.

And University of Nevada Cooperative w88 mobile Educator JoAnne Skelly says all most people can do to see if their trees, bushes or grasses survived is to be patient.

“In the end, it’s often wait and see,” said Skelly. “Be patient. w88 mobile are often amazingly resilient.”

Skelly learned a great deal about how landscapes react to fires when she helped homeowners recovering from the Carson City Waterfall w88 mobile in 2004. After the Caughlin w88 mobile in November 2011 and the Washoe w88 mobile in January 2012, she provided a number of public workshops to homeowners wondering how to bring their scorched landscapes back to life.

Skelly, the w88 mobile Educator for Carson City/Storey County, says that there are numerous factors that determine the extent of damage caused by a wildfire, such as the density of fuels in a fire’s path, the duration of the burn and the season the fire takes place. Areas with heavy and dense vegetation can provide excess fuel for a fire, causing it to burn longer and hotter in a particular area. The longer and hotter the fire burns, the greater chance roots can be damaged in overheated soils.

Plants that survive the burn are still subject to the w88 mobile’s aftereffects. Skelly says that fires can evaporate the moisture out of soils, leaving vegetation without water.

“After a w88 mobile, putting water back into the soil is critical to plant survival. Plants absorb water through their roots all winter long and need that moisture. With the dry winter we are having, plants are already under stress, and a w88 mobile on top of those conditions can be exceptionally devastating. ”

w88 mobile-damaged , dry soils can also make it difficult for new seeds to grow, making the recovery process longer. Skelly says that cheatgrass often is one of the first plants to reclaim a w88 mobile burned area due to its early germination, and low water and nutrient requirements. Cheatgrass is a non-native grass that goes to seed rapidly, leaving large portions of landscape covered in dry, highly flammable fuel. These burned areas are at an elevated risk for another w88 mobile.

Desert plants react to w88 mobile in various ways. Sagebrush responds poorly to even low-intensity wildfires and is often killed, while plants such as rabbitbrush and horsebrush are more resistant. Often the recovery of a plant depends on the conditions of the w88 mobile and the damage to the plant.

“For some plants, the stage of growth determines the degree of damage,” said Skelly. “Most plants, such as perennial grasses, for example, are more susceptible to w88 mobile damage when actively growing than when dormant. At the Caughlin and Washoe w88 mobile sites, the perennial grasses were dormant and suffered little damage, so now we are seeing new growth.”

Although the impacts can be severe, Skelly advises homeowners and gardeners looking to help their landscapes recover to take care of their w88 mobile. For example, tree wrap, light-colored cloth, and water-based paints can be used to protect the trunks and limbs of trees.

“If your landscape plants were damaged in a w88 mobile, be sure to provide them with enough irrigation water to keep the soil moist,” said Skelly. “Protect the trunks and large limbs of trees from sunburn until the leaf or needle area regrows.”

Cooperative w88 mobile’s Living with Fire program also helps homeowners address the threat of wildfires. More information about this program can be found at University of Nevada Cooperative w88 mobile.

The University of Nevada Cooperative w88 mobile is the outreach college that extends knowledge from the University of Nevada – and other land-grant universities – to local communities to address critical needs. UNCE is a federal-state-county partnership providing practical education Nevadans can trust, to help people, businesses and communities solve problems, develop skills and build a better future.

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