Faculty w88 sports betting executive board elected

Faculty w88 sports betting exec board set for 2012-2013

Faculty w88 sports betting executive board elected

Faculty w88 sports betting exec board set for 2012-2013

The University of Nevada, Reno's Faculty w88 sports betting recently held executive board elections, and members of the board have been announced, Faculty w88 sports betting Chair David Zeh wrote in a campus email on June 14.

The 2012-2013 executive w88 sports betting will include: David Zeh (Biology), chair; Swatee Naik (Mathematics and Statistics), chair-elect; Chuck Price (Joe Crowley Student Union), parliamentarian; Trish Ellison (College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources), at-large; Glenn Miller (College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources), at-large; David Ryfe (Journalism), ex officio.

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