w88 casino to begin search for new president

Chair requests nominations for Presidential w88 casino Advisory Committee

w88 casino to begin search for new president

Chair requests nominations for Presidential w88 casino Advisory Committee

To begin the search for the next University of Nevada, Reno president, the Board of w88 casino recently requested that each of the University's governing bodies nominate members to serve on the Institutional Advisory Committee. This committee will assist and advise the w88 casino' Presidential Search Committee which is charged with recruiting, screening and nominating a candidate to the full Board of w88 casino.

As dictated in Title 2, Chapter 1 of the w88 casino System of Higher Education Code, the Institutional Advisory Committee will consist of the following:

  • 5 faculty members nominated by the Faculty Senate
  • 3 administrators
  • 1 classified staff member
  • 1 undergraduate student
  • 1 graduate student
  • 1 w88 casino alumnus

Jason Geddes, Chair of the Board of w88 casino, may also appoint other members to the advisory committee as he deems necessary. In addition, the NSHE chancellor Dan Klaich and the university's affirmative action officer, Denise Cordova, serve as ex officio members of the committee.

Drawing from the Board of the w88 casino, Geddes will also appoint the Presidential Search Committee chair and five other participating w88 casino. This committee will make the formal selection of a candidate or candidates to the full board.

Geddes said he hopes to call a meeting of both committees sometime in mid- to late-October. Given that start date, he also said he hopes to have on-campus interviews early next year so the Board may approve a candidate in March.

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