w88 casino games login named to national, international education boards

w88 casino games login named to national, international education boards

Fred w88 casino games login, vice provost for Extended Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno has been appointed to two executive boards in higher education that serve national and international constituents in support of increasing access to higher education and establishing best-practice institutional policies.

Recently named one of four directors at-large on the 22-member executive board for the international University and Professional Continuing Education Association (UPCEA), w88 casino games login joins at-large university leaders from California State-Northridge, Harvard and Northwestern who will help determine policies and advance association goals. w88 casino games login will also serve on the UPCEA annual meeting planning committee.

UPCEA was founded in 1915 and is among the oldest college and university associations in the United States and the principal U.S. organization for continuing higher w88 casino games login. Its members include public and private accredited colleges and universities in all 50 states and more than 15 countries. UPCEA assists institutions of higher learning and affiliated nonprofit organizations to increase access through educational programs and services. UPCEA also provides national leadership in support of policies that advance workforce and professional development, and works with counterparts abroad to foster professional exchange and better international understanding of continuing higher w88 casino games login.

w88 casino games login has also been named to the national Education Advisory Board (EAB) based in Washington, D.C., and was one of 30 leading administrators from major institutions in the U.S. and Canada who recently attended the EAB Charter Advisor Roundtable for Continuing and Professional Education leaders.

The w88 casino games login Advisory Board provides research and best-practice programs in management, operations and strategy practices to member institutions in higher w88 casino games login. Its parent association was established in Washington, D.C., in 1979 and offers 14 best-practice programs serving executives and administrators in more than 3,000 member institutions in health care and higher w88 casino games login. The organization publishes more than 10,000 research briefs annually.

As vice provost for Extended Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno, w88 casino games login oversees the university’s extensive outreach efforts in continuing and distance education and is the chief operating officer of the university’s Redfield Campus in south Reno and the Fleischmann Planetarium and Science Center on the main campus. He also serves on the University of Nevada, Reno President’s Council, and the academic leadership and outreach councils. w88 casino games login received his doctorate in higher education administration from the University of Iowa. He has presented extensively on leadership in higher education, multiculturalism and lifelong learning, and is published in the Journal of Research and Education.

For more about UPCEA, visit http://www.upcea.edu/ .

For more about EAB, visit http://www.educationadvisoryboard.com/

For more about Extended Studies at the w88 casino games login of Nevada, Reno, call (775)784-4046, 1-(800) 233-8928 or visit the Extended Studies website.

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