Balloon Race w88 live casino winners announced

Balloon Race w88 live casino winners announced

The 2009-2010 University Balloon Race w88 live casino committee selected two deserving University of Nevada, Reno student recipients for its 0 w88 live casino to be awarded in the fall semester.

Charles Carpenter, a master’s degree candidate in mechanical engineering and MBA program, is a fulltime student who appreciates the engineering of design and has a passion for leading groups. He enjoys skiing in his down time and works in the Trio McNair program which helps low-income families and first-generation students. In addition, Carpenter is a tutor in the physics program.

Jarell Green, a bachelor’s degree candidate in secondary education, is a fulltime student who also works part time at Scooper’s. Green enjoys playing and watching basketball, football, baseball and soccer and intends to become an at-risk youth teacher to continue giving back to the community.

In making their selection, the w88 live casino committee members noted that Carpenter and Green are both exceptional students and strong community members who set the bar high for those contending for this year’s w88 live casino award.

For 22 years, the w88 live casino committee has awarded money to one undergraduate student and one graduate student who are financially deserving, maintain a strong GPA, and give back to their community. w88 live casino money is raised through the sales of balloon race pins during the September Reno balloon race special event and through raffle tickets. This year’s raffle includes prizes for gift certificates for Reno area businesses with the grand prize being two tickets to a box seat home football game for the 2009 University of Nevada, Reno Wolf Pack.

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