w88 sports betting app Nevada – Rebranded and steadfast in supporting, attracting and growing Nevada’s manufacturing industry
The University's Director for w88 sports betting app Nevada, Tom Simpkins, discusses the rebrand and what it means for the future of the outreach program
My name is Tom Simpkins and I’m the director for w88 sports betting app Nevada, an outreach program of the University of Nevada, Reno Research & Innovation. Our mission is to help Nevada’s manufacturers navigate their path to success. We recently rebranded from Nevada Industry Excellence, NVIE, to w88 sports betting app Nevada. I’d like to take the opportunity to share with you a bit about our program, our rebrand and what the w88 sports betting app sector in Nevada is capable of.
As the go-to resource for ensuring Nevada w88 sports betting app is resilient and a leader in innovation, we seek to increase the contribution of w88 sports betting app to Nevada’s economy by leveraging University resources to support w88 sports betting app innovation and connecting manufacturers, students and faculty to workforce and research opportunities. We take great pride in serving as Nevada’s affiliate within the NIST MEP National Network (National Institute of Standards and Technology, w88 sports betting app Extension Partnership). Comprising of 51 MEP Centers across the nation, the network strives to lead w88 sports betting app expertise and support. Our strategic partnership with the Nevada w88 sports betting for Applied Research helps us leverage the physical assets and intellectual expertise at the w88 sports betting app to support manufacturers. In addition, our main office housed at the Innevation Center in MidTown Reno helps us connect manufacturers to the innovation ecosystem. Through our partnership with the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, we support the state’s effort to attract and grow w88 sports betting app companies. With offices in Las Vegas, Reno and Carson City, we support w88 sports betting app across the entire Silver State.

Why did we decide to rebrand? We had reached a point where we needed to synchronize our name and brand with who we are – champions for: Nevada Manufacturers. Our vision is to forge a stronger future by creating a connected, thriving w88 sports betting app industry for this generation and the next. We look forward to continuing working on our current relationships with partners and creating new ones while empowering manufacturers with strategic solutions.
The word w88 sports betting app speaks directly to the audience we are serving while w88 sports betting app makes it clear that the University is positioned as the leading supporter of innovation and growth in the w88 sports betting app community of the state. w88 sports betting app Nevada represents an active, real-time effort to provide today’s solutions and tomorrow’s vision for manufacturing in the Silver State. The name change from Nevada Industry Excellence to w88 sports betting app Nevada will allow us to more directly serve this growing and strategically important sector for Nevada’s economic future.
We believe this name change will help our efforts to contribute to the University’s strategic plan and Nevada’s w88 sports betting app sector in the following ways:
- w88 sports betting app Nevada helps Strengthen the Pack by engaging students and faculty directly with manufacturers. This creates opportunities for research in areas of technology, process, quality, safety and more. A study conducted by the University’s w88 sports betting app Career Studio showed that 60% of undergraduate engineering students were interested in exploring research and placement opportunities with manufacturers. The name change brings much needed clarity that our organization is the go-to resource to foster these collaborations.
- w88 sports betting app Nevada helps Lead for w88 sports betting app by collaborating with the Nevada Career Studio and Undergraduate Research at the University to introduce students to manufacturers for current and future employment opportunities. w88 sports betting app careers offer a sustainable wage and career advancement opportunities in many different areas of expertise including engineering, business administration, finance, marketing, information systems and more.
- w88 sports betting app Nevada will Make Silver and Blue the New Green by collaborating with the Research & Innovation division and NCAR to provide valuable relationships with battery tech companies and innovators. This is an integral sector of Nevada’s manufacturing future and w88 sports betting app Nevada has meaningful relationships with several of these companies.

In summary, changing the name from NVIE to w88 sports betting app Nevada will help establish the University as the leader in thought, growth and innovation for the manufacturing sector of Nevada. As this sector continues to gain prominence and support with state leaders, w88 sports betting app Nevada will be at the forefront in ensuring the University is leading this effort.
About the author
Tom Simpkins brings more than 18 years of manufacturing, sales and marketing experience to w88 sports betting app Nevada having held senior management roles with a variety of companies and industries. Tom holds certificates for Leadership, Sales Excellence, Perfect Execution and Project Management along with manufacturing experience in areas of industrial automation, injection molding, process control systems, CNC machining, welding, fabrication and more. In addition, he has broad international business experience with products such as turbochargers, valves and pumps, PCBs, consumer electronics and tools.